Epic Clash - COMPLETE!

Epic Clash - COMPLETE!
Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
Originally posted on MSPA by McBatman.

Spender weaved amongst the various statues, having temporarily lost sight of Glere.
"Well, this should make things interesting." he said relaxing a bit, when suddenly he heard a faint crackle over the radio.
"...ha..." was all that crackled over the intercom for a moment. Then it hit.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA! I love it!!" Glere hollered over the radio. Spender had thought Glere had decided to get serious, when really... he just showed that conventional thinking wasn't going to work. Glere had meanwhile slowed the Tie Fighter down to near glide as he examined the damage he had taken from the missiles. The cockpit popped open again, and the miniature Glere stuck his head out seeing flames leaping from the wing still. The small hologram reached into cloak, pulling out a massive water balloon. It hit the wing with a loud SPLASH, putting the flames out. He closed the hatch again, fiddling with the nobs until the ship corrected itself and the flight became smoother.
"So... both have taken damage, yet still capable of flying..." Glere smiled crazily as he punched the engines forward again.

Spender was coasting along, when the screen began to blink again.
"Persistent little bugger, ain'tcha?" he said with a smirk. Suddenly, the Tie Fighter made a heavy vertical climb almost reaching the top of the dome again. Spender raised a brow.
"What is he doing?"

Glere fished around in his cloak a the Tie Fighter made it to the peak of the climb, and smiled mischievously, as he pulled out several grappling hooks, attached to multiple steel cables. He nodded, then made a near dead drop straight at Spender's VF-1.
Spender saw the ship descending through the cockpit's window, before punching the engines again. The Tie Fighter suddenly made a sharp pull, bringing it to a horizontal position almost directly on top of Spender. Spender then noticed several cables had been fastened to the back end of the Tie Fighter. Then the cockpit opened again. The mini-Glere waved, as several grappling hooks suddenly flew at the VF-1. Spender made a sharp sweep to the side, as several swung past, barely missing the jet, when suddenly the ship jerked violently to the right. Spender looked out the window to see two of them had gotten lodged into the VF-1's body in two grooves on the jet. He smirked as the Tie Fighter began to pull on the VF-1, nearly causing Spender to flip into a spin.
"Clever clever..." Spender chuckled.

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Re: Epic Clash - COMPLETE! - by Pinary - 05-12-2011, 03:01 AM
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