Epic Clash - COMPLETE!

Epic Clash - COMPLETE!
Re: Epic Clash Round 2 - The Wax Colosseum
Originally posted on MSPA by Alice.

Michelle watched as the other contestants flew off in their different directions. This was the first time she'd really had the chance to take a good look at them. Back in the cave, she'd barely had the chance to stretch her legs and say hello, minutes would need to be managed better this round—all 60 of them, to be exact. She felt for her gun on her back, still back in its normal state, and took a deep breath. For a minute, she wondered where Nothing went; their conversation cut short previously left an unanswered question.

In the cavern, before the strange occurrence with Betsy, before she met the winged man, she ran across something. On her toes about the shifting gravity, the runner had to push the thoughts aside then, but now, seemingly stable, she watched it. It, that thing, dodged its device; that thing with that smirk on its face. That thing that she watched float off into the coliseum, training her eyes on, memorizing, clenching her teeth.

“So, Nothing…what do you know about life after death?” Michelle played with her gun, using it as a cane, causing the man to feel uncomfortable on a few different levels. He wasn't sure how much he could trust her, but she hadn't seemed deadly yet—
well[/background:1az6pzcr], he changed his thoughts as she began to casually trail the huge rifle along the floor, drawing shapes in the snow, [background=black]at least not malicious.

“Like heaven and the afterlife and such?”

Michelle shook her head, “No, like walking around after you're dead. Y'know, all decay and crap, eating your former species, living forever—” She switched to air quotes and an uppity voice, not seeing Nothing cringe when she said decay. “a ‘shell of your former being, inflicting death and infecting others'. And just generally being plain damn creepy and causing a lot of trouble for me.”

“Well,” the reaper relaxed more and laughed. “I know if I do my job properly, that shouldn't happen!”


“Oh, nothing… I don't suppose I've ever seen that happen, why?”

“Back where I'm from, that's
all I see. They're a disgusting disease that can make even the nicest one of your group, a soulless, calculating monster. We call them Walkers.”

“Well, now that you say that, that kind of sounds like—” He tried to remember back to when they all first met.
“Exactly. That
abomination,” she nearly spat the word. “In that girl's body. Do you think tha—”


Damn. Michelle clenched her fists, eyes still following the creature. The cave had disappeared before she had the chance to finish asking—how bothersome. She waited for the Walker, Asteria, she thought she heard as its name, to get far enough ahead as for it to not see her, and then began to trail her, running along the tops of the various structures, staying up and out of sight. That man wanted a death. Well, the game was on.

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