Epic Clash - COMPLETE!

Epic Clash - COMPLETE!
Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.

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"Knock, knock!"
Asteira entered quite forcefully, catching the four minds unaware. With a friendly smile, she wandered about in the living room. "Family meeting, everyone. I'm new 'round these parts." All four of them shook up from their pastimes, and were surprised to find the ghastly image of that girl standing there.

Eric was the first to talk. "What are you up to, Ashteira?"

"Oh come on, play nice. I just got here. And it's Asteira, by the way, lose the 'h'."

Greg quickly pelted the ghost with questions."Rather than motive, how did you get in here? What's your plan now? We can force you out of here, you know."

"Er, let me see. I got in here through possession, which has an interesting side effect regarding Thomas, I plan to form an alliance because it is obvious I can't face all these foes alone. And I figured it wouldn't be as easy as to walk inside and throw you all out, especially with a complex mind as this. I have a plan, plus minus, and wish to negotiate."

Eric stood got up from the couch and addressed Asteira sharply. "Fine, let's talk. What do you want?"

"A cooperation, mostly," she responded. "Neither of us can win this... contest on our own, all the others have begun forming pacts already."

"How about this: You leave now, and things can be calm between us."

"That's the concept cold war is born on."

"Would you prefer a hot war?"

"I would prefer a not war. It's obvious you are more powerful than me, and cold war is more of an oppression between imbalanced parties."

"All I'm offering is this: If you don't attack us, we won't attack you. At this point, that's the best you're going to get."

"You're a tough nut, that's a first. I don't really see any of us gaining something from that point of view. I mean, it was the exact relation we were in for the entire round, really."

"You just broke into our mind-"

"'Broke into' are such harsh words! I don't break into the area around Glere were I to talk to him. It's just my way of talking to you and directly to you. Just to negotiate. Rest assured, if I had anything up my sleeve, either I would've done something already, or you and Greg would've noticed by now."

"You approached us earlier, in the caves. That was a peaceful contact. This time, you forced your way into our mind. That is not a peaceful gesture. We are willing to let you leave. You should be grateful. We are offering you the chance to keep a measure of peace between us."

"I believe we're done here then. The last I want to do is challenge you on your own terrain."

"Goodbye, then."

"I now know how things stand between us. It's been a pleasure."

Bern had been standing off to the side during these negotiations. He trusted Eric to know how to deal with these scenarios, so he contented himself with just standing to the side with his arms crossed, looking menacing. Now, though, the negotiations were over. "You've had your chat," he said, "now get out."

"Tone down a bit," Asteira said, fading away, "I'm already gone!"

After a moment, Bern realized that he'd been standing stock-still during this whole exchange. He glanced over at Spender, who was still rambling on and checking on the machinery. Apparently he hadn't noticed. I'm just glad I didn't say that out loud, Bern thought to himself, turning his attention back to clearing out an entrance and making no effort to keep the rocks quiet.

Messages In This Thread
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Re: Epic Clash [Apply today!] - by GBCE - 02-04-2010, 04:04 PM
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Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish - by Pinary - 02-20-2010, 09:29 PM
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Re: Epic Clash [Apply today!] - by Pinary - 01-28-2011, 04:13 AM
Re: Epic Clash - COMPLETE! - by Pinary - 05-12-2011, 03:01 AM
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