Epic Clash - COMPLETE!

Epic Clash - COMPLETE!
Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

The Chronicler put down his pen. He looks at his latest page, admiring his own penmenship. In the back of his mind, he knew that he didn't actually need to record it in a book, that he could simply conjure the information if he wanted to. However, he felt inclined to, maybe as result of being a young god, or a desire to do things himself, or even to kill the time. No matter what the reason, the Chronicler continued. Perhaps he'll have an entire library one day, of his own books. Actually, there was no reason to be indenfinite. He had all the time in the- everything. That library would exist.
Exiting his contemplative mood, he flipped back a few pages and skimmed over what he had done. He frowned a little. It was a bit weakly worded, and his handwriting slipped here and there. More direly, it seemed that Miles had added too many of his own opinions and quips. Overall, it was a imperfect job. Of course, it would have been easy to correct it... but, doing such didn't sit well with Miles. He needed to do it himself. He would probably use this as a rough draft and rerecord it when he had more time.

This is the Chronicle of Epic Clash, a Grand Battle ran by The Overseer and the Chronicler. In it, and all other Grand Battles (besides Battle Royale, but only because the Composer was strange), 8 beings are sent to fight to the death in a custom made arena. After one dies, The remaining beings are sent to a new stage, and will repeat the cycle until there is one left. The winner is granted a single boon...
...The contestants are mostly human this time, as is often the case. They are:

Glere, a man with a fishbowl for a head. He is certifiably insane, in case his appearance didn't give that obvious fact away. He has access to some sort of randomly sorted pocket dimension, which appears to be stable in the shape of a cape.

Mr. Nothing, a Soul Reaper in some sort of afterlife bureaucracy. He is winged and armed with a collapsible scythe, and is capable of interacting with souls. To interact with souls, he must change forms, which seems to be essentially shedding his flesh and becoming a skeleton.

James Raven, a hulking man who is apparently a dark knight. He swears revenge on his parents' murderers, and apparently has an obsessive desire for strength. His right arm is a magical composite, flexible and easily manipulated. Somehow, while he seems like the most enhanced...

Michelle Davis, a woman who hails from a partially ruined planet. She is simply human, it seems. However, she is well equipped, in skills and in equipment. Apparently she has an amiable nature, however much good that does.

Thomas Packston, a boy composed of 4 different people, who comes from a place where the world has been explained. (I wonder if they could explain us, though?) He is in control of wind, earth, fire and water, although each of his personalities can only use one.

Coy Spender, a man who's name looks like a pun. Obsessed with being theatrical, he appears to push himself to move as exaggerated as possible. He came with a strange ATM device and several coins, which are used to create one-time-use magic. What happens when he runs out, though? Is he able to...

Emilio Nahaz, a classic knight. Arrogant, but rightfully so, he is nearly a living legend. He brings with him an enchanted blade, a powerful orange tinted suit of armor, and a worn yet serviceable shield. It seems he thinks in epic verse...

Ashteira, a dead woman, brought back to some semblance of life to preserve some god's sense of karmic balance. She is armed with some sort of lance, but prefers lying, cheating, trickery, treachery, and overall vileness as weapons. Can fly for some reason.

Miles Fawman flipped the page, and saw his bookmark. It was a drawing he had intended to place in this book, but he had disregarded page size and had to leave it out. On it, he had pictured the eight contestants, listening to Bryce speak. Since it was unusable, he had scribbled some of his impressions over each contestant's head.


He sighed, and made mental note to respect the page sizes better. He flipped on, to the latest page, with the stage notes.


Miles would have liked to go into more detail, but this wasn't a place he had created or even seen. Apparently, it was a piece of a more popular universe, one of which Miles had never bothered to observe. He decided he would when he had the chance.

With a little resignation, Miles went back to observing the contest. Beside him, Bryce was acting like a commentator, as if he were in front of a crowd.

Messages In This Thread
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Re: Epic Clash - COMPLETE! - by Pinary - 05-12-2011, 03:01 AM
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Re: Epic Clash - COMPLETE! - by Pinary - 05-12-2011, 03:31 AM
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