Epic Clash - COMPLETE!

Epic Clash - COMPLETE!
Re: Epic Clash Round 1 - Dungeon of the Crimson Fish
Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.

Walt stood still for a moment, still a little unsure at what just happened.

Did a flying dead girl just warn us about a threat?

It would appear so, Greg replied.

So, what do we do with it? Do we attack this Spender guy first, or do we ambush him, or what?

I think we should consider our position carefully- we have just been given a valuable opportunity. On one hand, we can do exactly what this flying dead girl wants us to do, keeping in mind what we've been told about her and what she's done. On the other, we could reach out to one of the people she regards as dangerous, this Coy Spender fellow, and potentially gain a valuable ally.

You really think diplomacy is the way to go here?

Many of the beings in this battle are inhuman killing machines. We are outclassed in raw power, so we must use whatever advantages we have to our benefit, and that includes taking advantage of the opportunity to form an alliance. Of course, we want to use our unique talents most effectively, so that means having Eric do the negotiating. No offence, Walt, but it's not really your strong suit.

None taken, Walt replied. Eric, are you up to negotiating with this Spender guy?

I'm- I'm good, yeah. I'm still a little freaked out, but we've got to do our best to survive here, I guess.

Glad to hear it, Greg responded. Well, let's get this happening.

Right. Thomas blinked, and Eric took control, taking a few steps towards the junction.

Wait, Greg thought. See where he is first. We don't want our backs to anyone in this place.

Right, of course, Eric thought. He reached out with his abilities, feeling the movement of the air in the area. There. He's walking towards the junction now.

Well, let's make a good first impression.

Eric took a deep breath, steeling himself, and stepped around the corner, hands half-raised in a gesture of peace.

"Spender, right? Listen, we're not interested in a fight. We just want to talk."


Messages In This Thread
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