The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)

The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)
Re: The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 3: The Infinite Playground!)
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

She was suddenly in an entire city filled with mature, adult, (mostly) healthily-sane minds. And she still couldn’t eat any sanity. She really wanted to. Sanity was delicious, or at least she couldn’t help but think it was, and yet this desire was not at all accompanied by any real knowledge of how to do it.

Honestly, though, they all seemed to be also sort of dead, but there was so many of them it was like being in a candy store except the candy was dead. So what could she do beyond throw a tantrum?

Yeah, it was a bit childish. But Simphonia had never been the most mature music-ghost in the multiverse.

Simphonia looked down (however bits of music looks down) and saw that man she recognized as the one who was nice to her once, at least it could be him, or maybe she was misremembering and this wasn’t the guy at all or there had never been a guy who was actually nice to her but in any case, she decided to say hello.

By launching a bit of building at him.

He dodged it very nicely. She found it impressive. But then she forgot all about him in favor of tearing open another bit of nasty, stupid building.


Luron’s death, although gruesome, was rather quick. He barely had any time to even recognize that it was Simphonia who was his killer. I mean, there wasn’t much else that could’ve killed him, so there was not much ambiguity there, but still. The point was it was rather quick.

Luron never considered himself to be a vengeful man. He liked to think himself much more reasonable than that. Even as all his friends had died before him, he figured it was better not to focus on avenging their deaths, as much as he would like to. Letting these things get too personal was a dangerous thing to do. This was something he knew very well.

Also, he had thought Symphonia to be a nice, if not ditzy, gal, at least for the short time he actually knew her.

Maybe that’s why he was hoping that someone would say the words, ‘We have no choice.’ Maybe that’s why he was looking forward to planning and seeing her destruction. She was a nice gal. And then she killed him.

Maybe it was a little petty.

Zach soon ran up to him. “Oh, good, you’re here. Do you have any ideas on how to deal with this?”

Zach could only wince as more rubble rained down nearby. “How could I have any ideas? How could anybody conceivably have any ideas on how to handle a ghost made of very destructive music?”

“Well, we have to stop her somehow,” Luron said rather nonchalantly.

“…But…there’s nothing that can contain her, really…we could lead her back outside…but nothing’s stopping her from going back in. There must be some way we could knock her back into her senses, right? But I don’t even know what knocked her out of her senses…”

“Sooooo,” Luron continued, hoping to push the conversation along the way he wanted it to go, “what sort of options would you say we have, then…?”

Zach stared up and sighed, rubbing his head. “I – I don’t…I really don’t know anything…I mean…but maybe…I can’t think of anything else except…”

“Hey! Kid, get outta there! Don’t just stand there, kid!”

The boy, who was indeed just standing there, glanced towards the two men. “She’s possessed,” he said, before staring back up again at the torrential music above.

Luron and Zach glanced at each other.

“…How in the world does a ghost get possessed?” was the first thought.

"...Do you think we could...ah...exorcise her?" was the second.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 3: The Infinite Playground!) - by MalkyTop - 03-22-2012, 11:46 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 11-04-2012, 01:35 AM