The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)

The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)
Re: The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 3: The Infinite Playground!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Kaja supposed he really shouldn't have been surprised by this development. Zaire had told them all that this planet had a maddening influence. He'd dismissed it as scaremongering from a Grandmaster on the run, up until he'd seen what he had presumed was a fairly ordinary kid slicing his 'friends?' with Zaire's crimson sword. He hesitated for a moment, what was the best way to proceed in this situation? Normally when kids misbehave then you scold them and they go to their rooms until they learn their lesson, or something. It's not like he was well versed in dealing with children. In this case it would hardly seem sufficient punishment and he suspected that Bartleby would not exactly consider him to be an authority figure.

So fight back… against a small brainwashed child. That morally dubious option was the best option that he had. Even putting aside ethical issues, it was not the best idea; he had no herbs to mix a potion with, and his sword, which he had hoped would serve as a weapon while he made his way to gather some herbs, was in the hands of what he hesitated to call his 'enemy'. This situation was absurd.

"Put that sword down!" He said, striding confidently towards the murderous child.

"Make me!" Bartleby snapped impetulantly, inexpertly swinging the stolen blade around. As Kaja advanced upon him, he thrust the blade forward, sheathing it in Kaja's chest. He curtailed a scream of pain, and knocked Bartleby’s hand away. Wincing as he did so, he pulled the blade from his body and regarded it. Its crimson surface glistened with the sickly green-brown mixture that passed for his blood.

He looked down at Bartleby, who was confused and angry that his new 'toy' had been taken away from him. "Give that back!" He yelled, shaking with anger. Kaja was forced to admit at the moment he was not in a good way, down on herbs, wielding a weapon he didn't know how to use. This kid was just a kid, but he could make trouble for him if he wanted to. All it would take was one really hard knock and his apparatus would be shattered beyond repair. This kid was a liability he couldn’t afford to have running around.

Without hesitation Kaja attacked, clumsily slashing at the terrified child. Bartleby tripped back and raised an arm to shield himself; the blade slammed against his bone as Bart screamed in pain. Kaja ignored it. He pulled the blade free, blood flowed everywhere, not that it really made much of a difference to Bartleby, already covered in the blood of others. He slammed the blade down, plunging it into Bartleby's chest. He screamed and thrashed against the blade. The alchemist simply pulled the blade out and stabbed him again, and again and again. Blood splattered across him. For a moment he stood there, panting, leaning on the blade, still embedded in Bartleby's chest...

As he did he looked down at what he had done and recoiled in horror. He felt light-headed and nauseous. It was not the sight of the body, he had seen far worse in his time. It was the fact that he had been the one to do it. At the time it had made sense. He was behaving reasonably, the boy was a threat and he had to be killed. He could still see that point of view.

It was not him, he told himself, it was the influence of that creature that had momentarily turned him into a bloodthirsty monster. He told himself this, a sort of mantra as he regarded the body, but he wasn't really convinced. The creature was a factor, but he hadn't been forced to do anything. Perhaps it had given him a nudge in that direction, perhaps it had messed with his judgement slightly, but he had made the decision to kill the kid. In a fury he had stabbed him through the chest numerous times until he stopped moving...

He glanced around, the roof of this brightly coloured structure had been abandoned by any remaining kids as he and Bartleby had fought, he hadn't even noticed. He made to head towards the stairwell, but stopped after the pain of a single step reminded him of the wound in his chest. He lacked the herbs to treat this wound and so simply bound it up for now with a strip of his own torn shirt. This done, he started the long journey to the base of this structure, all the way reassuring himself that his actions had not been his own.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 3: The Infinite Playground!) - by Ixcaliber - 08-14-2011, 01:08 AM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 11-04-2012, 01:35 AM