The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)

The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)
Re: The Fatal Conflict! (GBS2G7) (Round 2: Robo City!)
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

Bellona was still loathe to admit that she had next to no idea about the nature or operation of her amulet, but there was no real way to dodge the question this time. Rather than hem and haw or change the subject, she simply opted to give an response that she figured was largely true without being particularly specific or revealing.

"The power of Athena shielded us."

It wasn't much of an answer, but if Kargrek was unsatisfied with it, he didn't show it. There were certainly more important issues to deal with anyway, between their possibly-merely-unconscious metal assailants and the new arrival. The warriors looked down at their prostrate captive, then exchanged a glance. Kargrek hauled him up by his shoulders and pinned his arms by his side, forcing him to face Bellona and effectively preventing him from doing much of anything but talking. He leaned his head down so it was more level with Scott's before speaking in a level tone that betrayed no hint of malice, but rather a certainty that if he didn't like the responses, he probably wouldn't need both arms to snap Scott's spine.

"What are you doing here?"

"I, uh, don't actually know. Er, that is to say... You remember Zaire said I don't really have control over my ability? That's... That's why I'm here."

Kargrek blinked, slightly taken aback. He hadn't remembered the Redeemer saying that; come to it, he couldn't remember much of what was said about those competitors he had deemed neither threats nor potential allies. Still, now that it had been repeated, it did seem vaguely familiar. He wasn't sure how to proceed from there; fortunately, Bellona moved the conversation along fairly effectively by swinging her lance around until the point rested on the time-traveler's Adam's apple.

"I say we kill him."

The barbarian's eyebrow furrowed and his lips tightened, pretty effectively emoting confusion and uncertainty.

[color=#FF500]Think about it,"[/color] Bellona continued. "He's clearly frail and useless, he can't even control the one thing about him that's unique or could be helpful, and if he dies, we get to leave this godsforsaken metal city full of iron devils. It's not as though we even know where Zaire is right now, and in an arena the size of this one, we could die again of age before we found him if the robot things didn't get us first."

Kargrek considered her words carefully; Scott, for his part, swallowed nervously as he felt his heart-rate rise and the tip of the spear dig slightly into his skin. He figured the best way to get out of this alive would be to prove to the fearsome woman that he was either useful or not worth killing. Or to simply hope to God that his damnable dynamo would send him somewhere and -when else before she decided he wasn't worth listening to anymore.

"Wait! I may not be a great fighter, but I've already made a powerful ally here, someone capable of destroying entire squads of powerful robots." And technically it's possible that he isn't a thin patina of lifeless molecules gracing what's left of a few walls, I suppose. Stranger things have happened. "Someone like that could be exactly what you need for... whatever it is... you're... planning?" Oh crap oh crap what am I saying this isn't going to end well. Scott started breathing more quickly in an attempt to stimulate his already-jumpy heart, hoping to get himself away from these two before his near-lies became painfully (or lethally) obvious.

"Who? I don't see anyone else." Bellona barely restrained a snort at the simple response, but maintained her composure and grip. Scott shifted uncomfortably, looking understandably nervous, and patted a pocket.

"Well, he gave me a device to contact or summon him, since I tend to disappear at odd moments. I can show you if you'll, uh, let go."

Kargrek shot a glance to his partner who sighed, then nodded and lowered her weapon slightly. She took pains to ensure that it stayed at a level that promised it could be brought right back up at a moments notice, and treated Scott to a piercing, unwavering stare. The barbarian released the smaller man, who stumbled a few steps forward, then drew a small, rectangular object out of a pocket.

"See, I just take this thing–" come on come on come on "And I can use it like this–" please something has to happen "Which lets me–"

Fortunately for Scott, at this point one of the downed metal creatures let out a roar and lurched; this was enough send the high-strung and already-terrified man's heart pounding, and catapult him several minutes away with a flash of light and a loud crack. The robot raised a few tendrils, made a grinding sound, and collapsed again, parts denting and falling off. Kargrek and Bellona shouldered the weapons they'd drawn at its roar and gave it a speculative look. After a moment, the former spoke:

"Well, come on. We should get moving."

Bellona cocked her head and put a hand on her hip.
"What, that's all you've got to say? Anyway, where should we go, and why?"

He shrugged. "Nowhere. Anywhere. There's little to see or do here, and apparently these things may not be as dead as we thought. If we move on, we may find some of our allies or more of our enemies."

Even if it wasn't a very specific plan, it was more interesting and productive than sitting around surrounded by iron corpses and overthinking what to do. The pair set off through the rows of black obelisks, heading towards what looked like it might be a door in the distance; they hadn't gotten too far, however, before a pair of humanoids stepped out from behind two opposite obelisks, hands raised in peaceful supplication. They were wrapped in ornate robes and topped with elaborate miters, but what of them was visible between the clothes was clearly not human; they had slender metal limbs wrapped with dangling, faintly-glowing cords or tubes, and their arms ended in far too many fingers. Their faces bore not even a passing reference to humanoid structure, and when they spoke, their voices were unnatural and clipped.

"Please, we mean you no harm."

"I am Arbiter Rho-7-7 and this is Third Chronicler ArDat-2. We need to speak with you urgently."

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fatal Conflict! (GBS2G7) (Round 2: Robo City!) - by SleepingOrange - 03-02-2011, 04:18 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 11-04-2012, 01:35 AM