The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)

The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)
Re: The Fatal Conflict! (GBS2G7) (Round 2: Robo City!)
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.


The robot’s whistling slowed, but it deliberately continued to solder the wall back into place.


Whatever it was, it could wait until after it finished fixing stuff, right?


From COM-1.

Very important, in case you didn’t know.


Yeah, better listen to it.

The voice of COM-1 droned through the robot’s auditory—


Woah, what? Another message?

Only when its new friend started improvising an entire song made out of PINGs did it realize that its new roommate was the one making the sound. It hoped she would end it soon because it was sort of hard listening to both the strange PING song and the message at the same time.

“PINGPINGPINNNNNGthe humans anPIPINPIIIING PING PIPIPINGpture do notPINGsitate to PINGPINGPINGbots must PING to the PINGtory and PINGPIPINGNGNGassemble fighterPING.”

Well now that was hard to understand. But it felt as though it got the gist, though it didn’t exactly want to. So it simply deleted the message from its logs and then deleted the gotten gist from memory. How lucky it was to be a robot.

Simphonia was on a rather resonant PIIINIIIINIIIINNNGG when the robot trundled over inside a building to polish the walls or something.

It just so happened that inside this building a certain grandmaster was having fun, kicking some fighterbots down and watching them get back up in their futile attempts to attack him. Or at least he was having fun. Now it was just boring.

Zaire’s face brightened up as he caught sight of the newcomer and he ripped the surrounding groups of fighterbots apart without apparently moving. The maintenance bot saw this and decided hey, the walls were polished enough already, but it seemed that its wheels were jammed or something. And the next second, an invisible force slammed into it and it crashed into the wall. Its vision seemed to scramble for a few seconds before stabilizing, and by that time, Zaire had moved right beside it and was crouching down, smiling disconcertingly.

He said something. It was something like ‘Well, I needed something to bash robots over the head with’ but it sounded more like, ‘Well, PIPIPIPIIPINGass botsNGNGNGNGNGNGith.’

Simphonia stopped PINGing in a panic and decided some action needed to be taken before her new metal friend got into serious trouble. Still unable to figure out the complex circuits of a robot, she instead burst out of it in an attempt to push Zaire away. But he caught her. She wasn’t quite sure how one goes about catching a collection of music notes, but he managed it. And he stuffed her back into the bot, electricity dancing around it as he did so.

”Hm! Interesting, interesting!” Zaire seemed to ponder something for a short while before ripping off one of the maintenance bot’s scrawny arms. Paralyzed, they simply watched as he grabbed an arm of a fighterbot and mashed it into where the old arm used to be. It clashed horribly and it was much too large for the robot.

”There we go, now you can go kill something!” Zaire exclaimed quite cheerfully, and he shoved them back outside with what sounded like a sing-song ‘good luuuuuck.’ The door slammed shut behind them. Then the building erupted, quite like a volcano, though the maintenance bot never remembered anything like that happening with the buildings before. It peeled open like a banana. Or maybe a flower. Not that it really understood what either of those things were.

It wheeled around, dodging debris, though it was quite hard with its suddenly unbalanced weight. It could only drag its new arm on the ground. It was quite sure that it looked very silly. It was right.

A particularly large piece of building collided with the back of its head and it tumbled head over wheels down the street before crashing into the legs of a human. A human? Yes, a human.

Its new roommate seemed to recognize the human and even possibly remembered a name, though it couldn’t help but think that ‘Lurtimeron’ was a strange name. Not that it knew much about strange names. In any case, there was a human and humans were baaaaaad.

Luron, in his case, almost jumped out of his shoes. Robots had been trying to kill him all over the place and he had just finished hiding from even more robots and suddenly, MORE ROBOTS. He raised his broadsword instinctively while the small robot pushed itself up onto its wheels, feeling rather battered.

To everybody’s surprise, most of all the robot’s, its large arm swung upwards, hand opening at the wrist to allow it to shoot things like weak, puny humans. As Simphonia managed to blurt out, “Hey, hey, heeeeeeeeey tha’s not cool,” the arm charged up a shot. The arm didn’t seem to realize, though, that its sudden movement terribly unbalanced the bot and it fell over again. The arm fired and missed by quite a bit. The robot, as it confusedly started rolling its wheels in the air, making panicked, pathetic little whistles, was at least happy to note that it had suddenly learned the term ‘Alien Hand Syndrome.’


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fatal Conflict! (GBS2G7) (Round 2: Robo City!) - by MalkyTop - 02-26-2011, 11:30 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 11-04-2012, 01:35 AM