The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)

The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)
Re: The Fatal Conflict! (GBS2G7) (Round 2: Robo City!)
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

Oh my what’s this oh this thing does a sparky thing and that leads to another thing but what does that do and wait does that allow these things to move? Is that it? How complicated!

It was lucky all this inquisitive poking around didn’t really meddle with the robot so much. Otherwise it would have been possible to see one lone maintenance bot falling over quite a lot. With Simphonia mostly just taking the back seat, all it really did oddly was jerk around and whistle in a rather hauntingly mechanical way. Eventually all the sparky things and the moving things and the robot things seemed less novel and she was able to calm down and just sit around, content with the fact that no nasty noisy robot things were chasing after her because she was a robot and OH MY GOD THERE WAS A BROKEN THING THERE MUST FIX IT.

It turned out that Simphonia now knew how to fix broken things! Not that she knew what these broken things were, but they were broken, and she had to fix them and she had the things that needed to fix broken things so she might as well because it made her feel so haaaappyyy and also the maintenance bot was pleased too and its whistling was growing quite melodious! It was growing on her. Although she supposed technically she was the one whistling? How does this thing she was doing work?

There was a beeping sound and a little flashy thing flashed on this flat shiny thing that was probably a display thing like the robot was thinking(?) it was and something like that. Apparently, it was something like a speaking thing! Usually these speaking things don’t happen unless a big disaster was happening which maintenance had to clean up so this must be important. The bot immediately opened up the thing and both of them listened carefully for the thing that needed fixing.

“…hacking their heads from their pitiful necks to punish them for their misdeeds…”

Hey! There’s nothing here about broken things!

“Hi! Hello! GREETINGS. Hi! Hi! People! Where are you, people?” Hm. She could talk now? Well, the robot could talk, she can talk too! Yes yes yes, that made sense, did it? “I like people! HUMANS ILLEGAL—people are nice. But break things! Are there broken things? MAINTENANCE NEEDED? I can fix broken things! This thing has things that fix broken things! Information? Is that broken? CANNOT RECEIVE INFORMATION. I can fix that! Hello? Hello? Hi! Hello!” It sounded as though the person stopped talking. But people talked back. That’s how things happen, like, talking and things. This people was doing it wrong. For about five minutes, Simphonia continued warbling “Hi! Hello! Hello? Hi!” in the strangely melodic and feminine way, despite the robotic tone her current body could only belt out. Every once in a while, her inquisitive salutations were interrupted by some random message of the robot itself. “INFORMATION NOT RELATED TO MAINTENANCE. INFORMATION UNNECESSARY. Hello, information! Are you there? Information! Hello! TRASH INFORMATION—information! Oh look! Hello! Can we do this thing with this information? Hello? Hello!”

Finally, after ten minutes, the transmitter automatically shut off. A few minutes after that, Simphonia finally pried into the strange file that thingied into her robots thingy! The robot wasn’t happy with this, but it was information!

…It was not understandable information!

These words didn’t even seem like they meant anything! This information was broken! She should fix it!

Fixing it meant mostly replacing anything that looked like a noun with ‘thingy.’

She still didn’t understand it. Whistling, the robot restored the file to its original wording and decided that perhaps it was good to at least tuck it away somewhere. Trundling along, underneath more firing and blasting and fighters and stuff, he simply carried away rubble and covered up those unsightly holes. You know, he almost felt like breaking into song.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fatal Conflict! (GBS2G7) (Round 2: Robo City!) - by MalkyTop - 02-07-2011, 12:51 AM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 11-04-2012, 01:35 AM