The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)

The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)
Re: The Fatal Conflict! (GBS2G7) (Round 2: Robo City!)
Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

Downtown, spires rose out towards the sky, silver and shiny. In the roads below, large tanks fitted with rotating brushes scrubbed the streets clean. Some smaller robots wheeled about there too, squeezing past, wielding tools and bottles, rushing off every which way in a hurry. Above those, light, tall robots sitting on platforms replaced dead lights and every once in a while, a stern sentry passed overhead, looking out for any anomalies, whether it was a simple dead light, a malfunctioning robot, or an illegal flesh'nblood.

Above those, Simphonia continued flying along swiftly. And behind her, more shrieking aircrafts who didn’t seem to grasp that it was quite impossible to shoot a being made of music into submission. Speakers and shouting and shouting from speakers, it was all too loud. Simphonia, disoriented, finally got the idea that it was unlikely for the large ships chasing her to follow her into the narrow streets and headed down. It was nicer down here, really, with the pretty lights and the content hum of the giant scrubbots. But then the sentries spotted her and started raising the alarm, which was another shrieking, loud sound. Why did all alarms have to be loud and shrieking.

The ships were hovering above, keeping pace. Maintenance bots wheeled quickly away from her and made way for the armed soldiers. The rat-tat-tat of their guns was nice and rhythmic, but she had enough sense not to enjoy this and kept moving forward, through the rank and file, and just followed the road. The soldiers pursued, of course, but weren’t able to go quite as fast as she could and definitely couldn’t go through large, hulking scrubbots like she could.

For a while, it was just the blaring sentries and the looming ships and the group of speedy maintenance bots and her. Simphonia continued to mindlessly follow the group ahead of her for no particular reason besides (probably) that she had no idea where to go and just following some robots who did was somewhat comforting.

She separated from them when they trundled past another line of soldiers and flew right into a wall.

This wall happened to be the wall of a factory, and quite a busy one it was, for at least today. There was hissing and pounding and heat and smelting and it all had a very heavy and dreary tone that Simphonia actually liked. Somewhere on the far end, giant scrubbots were being taken apart and then being reincarnated as big and tough aircraft. At the beginning of a long conveyor belt stood a long line of various bots who had apparently volunteered themselves (if robots could volunteer) to be dismantled and rebuilt as soldiers.

It was probably hard to notice a cloud of notes with all the steam and noise going on, which was why Simphonia weaved and navigated through the machinery without interruption.

As interesting as everything was here, though, the ghost at least realized that she should probably figure out a way to not get chased around the whole city.

Simphonia wound her way to the line of slowly advancing maintenance bots and lurked around a few before suddenly pushing herself into the chassis of a robot.

To everybody’s alarm, the robot started sparking wildly and jerked about oddly before wheeling off to the side where it gestured in a rather erratic manner. Other maintenance bots quickly tried to rush to its aid, but it stabilized and stood up, assuring them that it did not need any maintenance. Things buzzed in its head as it looked around, perceiving color as sound and taste and wow, taste certainly was a strange thing. It slowly wheeled out the door, deep in thought. Nobody bothered to stop it. As it started wheeling through the streets, it started making a whistling sound, first just a hesitant note, and then a soft, nervous, simple tune. How strange. This was certainly not part of its functions, but it was enjoyable to do…


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fatal Conflict! (GBS2G7) (Round 2: Robo City!) - by MalkyTop - 01-03-2011, 07:49 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 11-04-2012, 01:35 AM