The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)

The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)
Re: The Fatal Conflict! (GBS2G7) (Round 1: Everybody's Dead!)
Originally posted on MSPA by Eversist.


A spear went hurtling through the air, aimed true to Zaire’s head. Bellona had thrown it with such force that the motion carried her body forward more than a few feet. She had emerged from the coffeeshop during Zaire’s declarations of impending doom.

Zaire snapped his eyes to the projectile. It froze midair, with no other preamble. Chuckling from his position in the air, he pushed the spearhead out his immediate vicinity with all the casualness of making room on a crowded tabletop, surrounding runes glowing at his touch.
“Ah, how fickle the heart can be! I dare say you’re getting the feel for things around here, Miss Achilla. You may want to direct your bloodlust elsewhere, though… Or, more accurately, you must!” A cackle, and he was gone in a flash of harsh red light. The lance clattered as it hit the asphalt.

With a forcefully dejected sigh accompanied by a few more calming breaths, Bellona went to go retrieve her weapon. Zaire was right, the lead-up to that toss had the blood boiling in her veins. As she stood, placing the spear behind her shield, she noticed her “blossoming friendships” emerge from a nearby alleyway.
“Did you expect that to work?” Kaja called, eyeing Bellona critically across the short distance.

Bellona shrugged in a non-committal way, half-ignoring the chemist. No, she honestly hadn’t. She held her hand out towards Kargrek, palm skyward as he approached. “My amulet, if you don’t mind.”

Kargrek slapped it into her palm, then took to waggling a finger in his ringing right ear.
“We now have free roam of this world…” He paused and made a sweeping gesture at the sky, and the others couldn’t resist turning to look. “But at the price of all of our heads.”

“Any other grand ideas?” Kaja adjusted his goggles’ position, squinting up at the meteor. “What chance do we stand, reasoning with that?”

Bellona pulled the thin chain over her head, running a mental checklist of the contestants and accompanying powers. She tugged at her amulet, testing the give of the delicate chain.
Strongarm with his strength, massive axe and bracers. Kaja and his chemicals. Myself, with my insofar impractical trinket. The knight… with unknown powers. The disappearing and undead man. A spectre… and the indisposed demoness… Ah! Coming to a sudden decision, she sprinted off, leaving the other two looking at each other with vaguely annoyed looks on their faces.
“Charming girl, isn’t she?” Kagrek merely grunted at the sarcasm.

The gladiatrix trotted to a stop behind the face-down body of the demoness. She was pretty certain it wasn’t dead, otherwise the battle would have, in theory, moved on from this place. Making a disdainful face that up to this point had been reserved for Kagrek, she retrieved her spear from its placeholder on her back. She prodded the nearest heel, perhaps coincidentally the one that stuck out at an odd angle. A sad moan came from the body, shifting slightly. Bellona prodded again, hard enough to draw blood.

“Raaaaaah, TH’FUCK DO YOU WANT?!” Laura threw herself off the ground in an amazing feat of blind rage, causing Bellona to back away hastily. The chunk of concrete lodged in one shoulder made her body heavily list to one side, and she limped closer. “I’ll kill you DEAD if you don’t LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!” She raised the opposite hand, producing a ball of inferno the size of Bellona’s torso.

The amulet around Bellona’s neck flashed out in warning, and her hardened eyes hardly hid the fear that resided there. She had no experience with magic, and frankly, it frightened her. But Laura’s eyes rolled back into her head as she tottered forward into a faint, the fireball sputtering to ash. Bellona caught her by the remains of her clothing, and shook her roughly back to consciousness. “You’re the only one of us who has a chance of stopping that thing!” She yelled into the demoness’ bloodied face, all semblances of calm and composure, gone. “Do something, or we all die! Including you!”


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Re: The Fatal Conflict! (GBS2G7) (Round 1: Everybody's Dead!) - by GBCE - 11-11-2010, 05:38 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 11-04-2012, 01:35 AM