The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)

The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)
Re: The Fatal Conflict! (GBS2G7) (Round 1: Everybody's Dead!)
Originally posted on MSPA by piester.

Nothing, a void of nothing was all their was for as far as the eye could see, it would be considered gigantic by a few people, if nothing could be measured.

In the middle of all of this was Laura, lying down on the ground asleep.
A faint voice whispered in her ear, quietly as a pin dropping.
Laura was awoken by it, she stood up and looked around in confusion.

Their was another faint voice, she could barely make it out or for that matter even hear it well.
"Who said that? Where the hell are I? What's going on here?" Laura shouted at the nothingness.
Moss began growing under Laura's feet at an extremely sped up rate, until eventually their was a floor made entirely of moss.


Their was another voice, this time clearer and louder, if just barely.
"...Who the FUCK ARE YOU?" Shouted Laura in a demanding way.
Fog of ashes formed around Laura, making it hard for her to breath.

"This is Hell...'
The voice said again, this time in a loud and emotionless voice.
The moss began transforming itself into a hellish landscape. This was not the hell Laura remembered, this one was covered in the corpses of tormented souls, all of which died in gruesome ways, each one's death more gruesome and creative then the last one's death was.

"YOU ARE LYING, PEOPLE CAN'T DIE TWICE, YOU ARE A BIG FUCKING LIER! THIS COULD NEVER HAPPEN TO HELL!" Laura shouted at the top of her lungs, until she started choking on the ash.

She suffocated and fell straight to the ground head first.

"This is going to be hell soon, and their's nothing you can do about it..." A voice said in the back of her head.

Then she woke up to the smell of extremely old alcohol.
She stood still for around a minute, before letting out a high pitched scream and throwing one of the shattered bottles near her at the bar's door, shattering it.
She walked out the back door into an alley way and just started walking, she didn't care about her injuries from the encounter earlier, she just ignored them and started walking, she wanted to go back home to hell, she wanted to escape this universe, even though deep down, she knew that would never happen until somebody stopped breathing.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fatal Conflict! (GBS2G7) (Round 1: Everybody's Dead!) - by GBCE - 08-23-2010, 04:02 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 11-04-2012, 01:35 AM