The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)

The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)
Re: The Fatal Conflict! (GBS2G7) (Round 1: Everybody's Dead!)
Originally posted on MSPA by piester.

Laura lied on the ground, smiling uneasily, she knew she was going to go straight back to oblivion if she died, or at least, that's what she told herself, she was in a new universe, hell, maybe even an entirely different multiverse, and that Inter-dimensional Asshole just ripped seven people out of the afterlife, hell, they killed Death itself, in the back of her head she knew, if she died right now, Good Ol' Oblivion wouldn't be waiting for her afterwords, she was sad, or at least as sad as a being of evil can be.

"Is this what it's like to be mortal? Once you die one, you die for good?" She thought in the back of her head. Her whole life she just took dying as a joke, seeing as it was just a few hundred years before somebody summons you for evil purposes again, and then boom, it's carnage time again.

"Wait a minute," She thought to herself. "Your just drunk Laura, I mean, come on, your a demon!! What do you think you are? A Pansy? Fuck no, you are a cold heartless being of EVIL!! Get up and kick that guy's ass!!!" She thought, before getting up slowly and painfully to well, you know, Kick His ASS!

Walking slowly towards Luron she said "Hey Lurry-Boy, that was a pretty good uppercut their, sorry you had to hit the most pissed off person you could at the moment, you see, I am so going to kill you now, m'kay? Good, because I have had enough shit today, first I was ripped out of hell to kill people who I don't actually hate that much, or at least compared to most people, and then, you fucking PUNCHED ME IN THE JAW!!!!!!!" She said, to which Luron just kept on walking away from her. Come Back here your MOTHERFUCKING LOSER, YOUR A FAILURE, YOU HEAR ME? A MOTHER FUCKING FAILURE!" She screamed at him.

He Just kept on walking away.

"You can see into the future? WELL PREDICT THIS YOU MOTHERFUCKING DOUCHEBAG!" She said before throwing a rock in his general direction, it unfortunately did not hit him, it just rolled on the ground.

He just kept walking on...

"WELL FUCK YOU TO, I HATE YOU!!" She yelled angrily, before stomping away, forgetting about the injury, which was pretty painful for her in the long run.

"GAH!" She said in pain every step she stomped. Until she finally got to the bar, where she just laid down next to the solid shelf, and drank her pains away. Every bottle she drank, the more the pain went away, but then again, so did the feelings of most other things. Until eventually she could she nothing but a haze.

"G-o-g-oooooooooooood ni.......... night" She said, before taking a alcohol induced nap on the floor.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fatal Conflict! (GBS2G7) (Round 1: Everybody's Dead!) - by GBCE - 08-09-2010, 11:15 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 11-04-2012, 01:35 AM