The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)

The Fatal Conflict (GBS2G7) (Round 4: The Huntsman's Garden)
Re: The Fatal Conflict! (GBS2G7) (Accepting participants!)
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

Name: Kargrek Strongarm

Gender: Male

Font colour: Doubleoh doubleoh forty

Race: HuMAN

Weapon: A greataxe called Strombald. The wizard who forged it had notoriously bad spelling, but it's still a flippin enormous ax that bursts into flame on command. He also wears the Bracers of Krog the Indomitable, which give him incredible strength and unbreakable bones.

Abilities: In case it's not already obvious, Kargrek is the epitome of barbarian. He can drink and fight and seduce and fight and survive in the wilderness and fight. All at the same time, and all with extreme proficiency. Especially the fighting. Because of the bracers, he can lift and carry things that should take fifteen men to shift and punch through walls if he feels like it; obviously, punching through sternums is a lot easier than walls, so there's that too.

Description: Physically, the afterlife version of Kargrek looks like he did in life: a 6'7" man with an musculature that goes beyond "impressive" in the the realms of "hard to believe", clad only in a loincloth and a pair of apparently-brass bracers. His hair is a mane of mid-back-length black, and his eyes are deepset in a face practically designed to scream manliness. He's scarred in places, but remarkably less so than the usual kind of person who makes it to Gorkella, the warriors' afterlife of this tribe's belief system.

Personality-wise, he's just about what you'd expect. Brash, loud, impulsive, violent, lecherous... He's certainly not going to be solving many essential conundrums of the universe, but he's not stupid. Stupid doesn't have a very long life expectancy.

Biography: Living to the ripe old age of 32, Kargrek was the greatest warrior in his tribe for nearly two decades; it was for his amazing feats of strength and his phenomenal skill in battle that he was granted the coveted Bracers of Krog the Indomitable by the high priest of Krog the Indomitable, and he still wears their spectral double in death. Ironically, for all that most of his life was spent in combat, he died not in battle, but in bed. A rival gunning for chieftain hired a prostitute to poison the barbarian, and Kargrek for all his iron-hard bones and incredible strength could do little to fight the toxin. Especially with his hands tied like that.

Since death, Kargrek has been living it up (so to speak) in Gorkella, palling around with Krog, eating endless feasts, enjoying endless maidens, and beating the shit out of demons for kicks. When The Redeemer plucked him out of the hallowed Halls of Combat, he had been about to enjoy a rousing post-feast game of orgy with Krog and a handful of equivalents of Valkyries I never made up a name for, and may be consequently a little miffed at the start of things.




Messages In This Thread
Re: The Fatal Conflict! (GBS2G7) (Accepting participants!) - by SleepingOrange - 07-17-2010, 06:31 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 11-04-2012, 01:35 AM