The $300,000 Fight-A-Thon! [Round Two: Toyetic!]

The $300,000 Fight-A-Thon! [Round Two: Toyetic!]
Re: The $300,000 Fight-A-Thon! [Round One: Storage Park!]
Originally posted on MSPA by eberron.

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[color=#P4914]Ironjaw had not expected Guillemet to throw Felus at him. Nor had he expected Felus to cling to his face. "GOD DAMN IT GET OFF OF MY FACE YOU FLEA RIDDLED LITTLE SHIT!" Ironjaw yelled out in pain as he tried to shake Felus off. He could just make out Guillemet taunting him as she flew off but that was nothing compared to having a face full of cat.[/color]

"SHE TOUCHED ME WITH THOSE FLITHY HUMAN HANDS!! MY FUR! TAINTED BY HER HUMAN STINK!" Felus either didn't realize or didn't care that he was clinging to Ironjaw's face. "I'M GOING TO MAKE HER REGRET EVER LAYING A FINGER ON ME!" SUddenly, Felus felt a hand on the scruff of his neck and a sharp tug as he came eye to eye with a very angry shark.

[color=#P4914]"I should just bite off your head right here and now. You have been nothing but a pain in my fin since this whole god damn.... game started." Ironjaw gave a snort like huff as he dropped Felus to the ground. "Your lucky that dragon has pissed me off worse right now. Next time I see her I'll make sure the next plasma shot hits her somewhere other then her ass." Ironjaw turned and started to walk away when he felt a paw on his tail.[/color]

"Wait. Maybe we can..." Felus was suddenly cut off by a loud bang. Looking back, the two could see one of the taller shelves stands starting to tip. Felus looked closer and saw that the legs had been badly damaged by some of the plasma shots Ironjaw fired during their scuffle. "Oh crap." Felus muttered as the shelf gave way, crashing into more shelves and starting a domino chain reaction. The other cats quickly took off running, Felus right behind them. "Wait," he thought to himself as he skidded to a halt. "If I run, the others might think I abandoned the shark. I'm still suppost to save people, even after he threatened one of them. I can't risk losing my powers with the other contestants somewhere nearby. Damn it." Felus groaned to himself as he turned and motioned Ironjaw to follow. "THIS WAY! I know a way out."

[color=#P4914]"You better or your lunch!" Ironjaw yelled out as he ran after Felus. Looking ahead he could see a growing white light that the small army of cats were running to at top speed. "This had better not lead us into more hell cat!" he yelled as a crate narrowly missed his tail. By now Ironjaw could see that the light was indeed coming from another building. Taking a deep breath, Ironjaw hurled himself through the hole just as the selves collapsed around the breach in the wall. "That was way too close for...." Ironjaws thought was cut off as he ran headlong into Felus, causing them both to crash to the floor in a heap. "Why the hell did you stop?" Ironjaw growled. Felus moaned and pointed over to a small stack of crates. Ironjaw glanced up at the top of the pile. "Well, didn't think I'd see you anytime soon."[/color]

Axys smirked at the tangle of shark and cat below him.

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Re: The $300,000 Fight-A-Thon! [Round One: Storage Park!] - by GBCE - 09-12-2012, 03:57 AM