Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Three: Caelo Ruinam)
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

Tengeri first glanced up at the holes in the ceilings above. Several of them had sealed themselves while they had been occupied with removing the gauntlet from Velobo. With any luck, the woman that attacked them wouldn't be bothering them for a while. She then took a glance at Ursus. Fully unconscious; numerous bones fractured. For the time being, at least, they were out of danger.

"What does that gauntlet do, exactly? I picked up some energy fluctuations a while ago, which led me to it. And then Velobo was held to it by some kind of force. It's all entirely foreign to the universe I come from."

Dorukumets held up the gauntlet, beaming with pride. "The Gauntlet of Genko is a powerful artifact, and a gift from an old friend! I am not sure why Calidad was ensnared in it, but he somehow managed to activate it! I believe he has some relation to the friend I mentioned, as a matter of fact."

"Interesting... Velobo, are you alright? What happened back there?"

Velobo hesitated for a moment. "The short version is that I just met the man who gave me my name. The man who is trying to realize the potential of the Plazmuths. He... chose me for this task.

"The gauntlet's fluctuations did grow stronger as you were falling... although you were only falling for a few seconds. Perhaps you were contacted mentally."

"Probably..." Velobo stared at the band on his arm. "He said that the Plazmuths' ancient technology is awakening across the multiverse."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A quartet of two-pupilled eyes flicked up from a handheld display and focused on the figure standing in the doorway. A small, carapaced creature clutched its own datapad against its gray uniform. The Director could tell little of the urgency of the matter - his addresser's species was notoriously unexpressive (to non-telepaths).

"What is it, Cendil?"

The bipedal arthropod stepped into the unusually brightly-lit room, shielding his eyes with one arm. The winged figure seated behind the desk quietly watched as the visitor impassively strode across the room.

"Are you familiar with the artifacts of the 'Plazmuth'?" Cendil questioned, placing the datapad on the Director's desk.

Valdar Zhernan, the head director of the Neramis Science Coalition, was indeed familiar with these artifacts. One of them had been discovered on his homeworld long before the NSC had been founded. His species, the Reluzir, had long attempted to activate the mysterious technology seemingly discarded by the Plazmuth - at no point in recorded history had the presumably-extinct species made contact with either the Reluzir or the planet's other sapient race. Many similar devices and artifacts had been found on a variety of planets, yet all analyses turned up no methods of activation. One of the greatest mysteries held by the Coalition.

"Quite aware," Director Zhernan responded, taking up the datapad in a three-clawed hand. As he quickly scanned through its contents, his eyes widened. "The artifacts are-"

"Activating, yes. We aren't yet sure what's causing it, but the multiversal research facility on Typhra may have a lead."

"Multiversal. You're saying that something's activating them from outside of our universe?"

"It seems likely. Moreover, they have managed to trace it to what is likely its origin universe, with 97% likelihood."

"Are you asking for authorization of a cross-universal expedition, Cendil?" the Director continued. "That technology's still in testing."

"Director, are you aware of the cyberneticist Tengeri Nyoka?"

"Yes." Zhernan frowned at the sudden change in subject. "She went missing this morning. What does that have to do with the Plazmuth?"

"Her last known location - a medical facility - was searched by Levian authorities. Nothing was found. NSC agents were sent to investigate, and a seemingly-unrelated extra-universal signal was discovered. Its signature was nearly identical to that left by the Ninth Kryesan when they disappeared, though with a different origin."

"You think that something's taking them from our universe, then?"

"It is the most logical conclusion. It is unlikely, though possible, that the two events are correlated. As we have been unable to localize the origin of the anomaly that extracted Dr. Nyoka, we wish to investigate the Plazmuth activation signal."

The director knew the risks. The technology had been in testing for two cycles, but it wasn't yet perfect. Nonetheless, the signal had been localized, and was unlikely to last indefinitely. There was no guarantee that the signal's origin would remain fixed - this could have been the only chance to make contact with what was likely an advanced race.

He approved the expedition. Little did he know, however, how conveniently the two events of the day were linked.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The Plazmuths... Were there artifacts held by the NSC under that designation? Tengeri's database failed to turn anything up. Another possible hope for escape gone, Tengeri decided to change the subject.

"How much has Velobo told you?" she asked Dorukomets. "About the battle."

"Calidad has told us quite a lot! I have heard that you, too, have been a part of this GLORIOUS battle to the death?"

Tengeri frowned. "I wouldn't call it glorious, but, unfortunately, yes. I have no intention of pandering to this 'Fool' and his games. This is not the only of these battles, but, with any luck, it will be the last. I... we will stop him."

"The last? How do you plan on doing that?" Velobo questioned, surprised. She'd never mentioned confronting the Fool before.

"We... I have to kill him. It's the only way."

A lot of talk. You really think you'll be able to do it when the time comes? You couldn't even kill Scofflaw when you had the chance, she rebutted mentally.

"Kill him?" Dorukomets responded, perplexed. "You don't seem much like a warrior to me. I fear that the Fool could be a challenge for me, even with this gauntlet!"

Tengeri didn't respond. Dorukomets was right, in his own way. What chance did she really have of killing the Fool? He could throw them across the multiverse at the snap of his fingers. He could fully paralyze them with a glance. Even if she got her lack of hands on this mythical vorpal god-killing weapon of probable doom, what good would it do if she couldn't use it?

What good would it do if she didn't even try?

"Have you heard of..." Tengeri paused as the name was displayed before her eyes, "...Lancelot Mortimer Veritas Garland? A merchant?"

"Lancelot... Garland... Nope. I have unfortunately not, though they surely have heard of me!" Dorukomets laughed.

Tykidu spoke up. "I've heard of him! He always hides out in ancient ruins and overlord lairs and sells things to heroes! Why do you ask?"

"He says he can forge a weapon that can kill gods. I believe he may be exaggerating, but... It's the only chance I have." Tengeri telekinetically drew a purplish feather from her storage device. "This is what he asked for. I'm going to deliver it now. Please be careful, I don't want anyone else to die. I think the woman that attacked us a few minutes ago - Lady Midday, was it? - may be approaching. I'd recommend leaving the area immediately."

Tengeri ignored their protests as she stowed the feather and darted off down the hall. True, this "Lady Midday" had a threat level near that of Scofflaw, but she had also been incapacitated by a cube with a sticky tongue. All that mattered now was getting her weapon before someone's death sent them hurtling across the multiverse once more - that is, if those rules were still in play.


Messages In This Thread
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Three: Caelo Ruinam) - by Anomaly - 11-26-2012, 04:29 AM