Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Three: Caelo Ruinam)
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

<font color="#bb9900">Sir Dorukomets, still a bit peeved from his conversation with the Greenman, was doing his best to keep face. As the trio made their way through the Ruinam, the silence was naturally broken by their usual jest and banter.

"Dorky, why don't you tell us about the Gauntlet of Genko?"
"Oh hush, I'm sure he's been on and on about zat before, no?"

The two stopped their respective movements to think for a bit, before realizing that no; he had not spoken about the past of the Gauntlet at all since they began their quest together.

"Oh, must I? Would you rather not hear about my various fights over the years? This one time I-"

"Come ooooooooooooon Dorky!"
"Yus, please!"

The ancient warrior crossed his arms, and for a moment furrowed his brow, before giving a sigh and beginning.
"Well, you see, The Gauntlet of Genko is not only a powerful artifact; it is also a gift from a very dear friend."

Gimeri and Tykidu gasped, as this was the first time they heard of Sir Doukomets' friends from the past as opposed to enemies or rivals.

"He was a very intelligent being, more so than anyone I have ever met. We met by chance, during my earlier travels. I witnessed him under attack by wild animals, he was wielding tools that I had never seen before, and I wished to see how they'd fare against my blades! Believe it or not, he defeated me, and we became fast friends! He was a great inventor, capable of creating many tools and devices, some of which even surpassed magic! In fact, I think that he helped with some of the construction of this place."

"Really? Did he make the Sunstroke thing?"

"No, he was very stubborn about never making anything lethal; the weapons on the ruinam were added after he left."

"So does zat make ze gauntlet a parting gift?"

"You are correct my Gimeri, but that is not all! Though the gauntlet gives me and only me, a boost in power, it is unfinished, or in his exact words, 'unrealized'!"

"What does that mean?"

"I am not sure, but he said that some day, he would return and catch up with me... but I never saw him again."

"Oh my, you don't think zat something happened to him, do you?"

"I cannot say, as I was frozen shortly after our parting, and separated from the gauntlet. There is something I find worrying though, you recall Calidad, yes?"

The two nodded, and Gimeri recalled that Dorukomets had acted a bid odd when the cuboid was around.

"Well... you see, I believe that Calidad is descended from my old friend."

As Tykidu gasped at the revelation, Gimeri put her thinking cap on, and began to question him, "Wait a minute, did he not say zat he was from another universe? And zat his race was enslaved and such? What could zat mean? Are you sure?"

"Well, I can’t be certain, but, something else besides his look about him reminds me of my friend. Still, I would rather not say anything to him, as this battle he seems to be trapped in is enough of a chore on one’s mind without getting into hypotheticals."

Tykidu’s gears were also turning, but in a slightly different direction, "Wait, Dorky, do you think that he could 'realize' your gauntlet?"

"That is a possibility, but," Sir Dorukomets' walk and talk was interrupted by the crash of what would be by now a very enraged bear.

Ursus's roar was full of loathing and anger, making clear his intent to kill and giving a scare to many a lesser creature. No sane creature wanted to mess with an angry bear after all.

"Are you sure we should go zis way?"

"Ooooh, I know of that roar, it is of Midday's traitor of a right hand bear." Dorukomets had of course heard of the bears, and very much wished to fight one, but unfortunately, all of the ones that he had met were rather... lame. He cracked a smile as he thought of the magic and strength coursing through that furry, no wait, formerly furry body that he would now face. "Yes, he will be the first of Midday's forces to fall at the might of SIR DORUKOMETS!"

Tykidu, who wasn't as well versed in the lore of the bears, and as such a lot less pumped to witness one of them in a fight, mistook the excitement for something less pleasant to him, "So... you are listening to that guy?"

Sir Dorukomets' half-charge towards the bear, slowed to a jog as he turned back to look at Tykidu's slightly crushed face. He cursed under his breath before taking a deep breath and laughing. "Fret not Tykidu, my fight is not for the desires of weak, hiding men, but only for THE TRILL."

Without another word, he charged forward, leaving his two allies a bit less than excited than they normally would be, and in no hurry to catch up.


Velobo wasn't sure what had happened in the short time that he was free-falling, who had broken everything, or why the room was wet (though he did have a prime suspect for that last one) but he did know that the lady in the bathrobe who was fumbling with the much-too-large gauntlet probably didn't take the wrong turn from her home’s bathroom into the evil fortress of a super-villain. Velobo may have been naive, but Midday had a look, about her, one that persisted even on her more mundane outfits. That her bathrobe matched everything else in the room where he’d been punched out a window didn’t earn her any points.

Midday herself didn't notice the new arrival at first as she was preoccupied with how the glove had hit her face, thinking about what she would do to the soon-to-be-dead serpent that had defeated her bear and thrown an ugly glove at her, how she would have to make sure that no one knew she was just thrown through a wall, the pain from having said glove thrown at her, and how ruined her room was! She stared at the glove with such intense hatred that had it been a lesser object, it would have crumbled into dust. Coincidentally, it was then that she realized that it had some hidden power to it. Midday thought about putting the glove on, despite its... gaudy look, but before she could make that choice, she heard a 'ptoo' and had some globs of spit lodged at her. As if that wasn't enough, it was also sticky!

Midday gripped the gauntlet, almost denting it, before throwing it at the cuboid creature that had dared to spit at her.

Velobo leaped toward the hissing and furious Midday, now a lot more sure that she was at least a little evil, as he felt that death stare the moment he entered the room. Though he thought that he had dodged the gauntlet, it nicked the arm with his metal band, which threw off his momentum and, rather than landing a solid slap, punch, or kick at the sorceress, meant that Velobo had his bottom land squarely on her face.

It was as if time stopped.

Midday was absolutely shocked that she had been unceremoniously hit in the face by this cuboids bottom area that she just could not find the rage. There was no level of anger that could properly describe what she would have felt otherwise. As Velobo's body wrapped further around Midday's now twice marred face the two were completely frozen, unable to fully comprehend that at the moment, the most powerful and beautiful sorceress in the world, and its soon to be ruler, had just been accidentally hit in the face by what was essentially a green, cube shaped ass. As they slowly began to disconnect from each other, Velobo moving up and away from Midday's face and Midday's face joining the rest of her body downward, Lady Midday, for the first time in her life, thanked the gods that no one saw that.

Tengeri, who was equally as frozen from the event, was also in disbelief. She could have sworn that Midday had a mark left on her face from the encounter and would have continued to just float there had she not remembered that the last time she dawdled, she got shot by lightning. Springing into action, she went to Velobo's side, only to note that for some reason his metal band was glowing... and that he had landed a bit farther from where he had hit Midday than his trajectory should have allowed...

Tengeri could only watch as Velobo's slightly dazed body started to get dragged by the arm toward the also glowing Gauntlet of Genko. Despite her best efforts at keeping the plazmuth in place, his body continued to move.

"What's going on, why is it dragging me?"

"I don't know! I think that the glove is trying to make you wear it, keep trying to resist its pull, I'll throw it away."

Tengeri quickly lifted the gaudy, glowing, gauntlet and in what wasn’t her best moment, tossed it down the hole that Ursus had fallen through. Thinking that would be the end of that, she sighed in relief, only to witness in shock as a screaming Velobo flew after it.

"Oh... nooooo..."

She followed quickly, hoping to make it before something bad happened and forgetting about the downed but dazed sorceress still in the room.

With both of her combatants gone, Lady Midday opted to leave with her dignity partially intact and head toward the still unconscious Jetsam. She looked down at the dracodactyl, grinning at the thought of it being hers. She then looked to the side and realized what corpse was smelling up the room. With a bored scowl, she lifted the body and tossed it down the hole before contemplating what to do her new plaything.

Oh, and she'd probably have to change into actual clothes too.


As Velobo, now falling down the path Ursus had left, neared the falling glove, he felt something, a familiar voice calling to him, much louder than the voices from before. When his band finally was wrapped around the Gauntlet of Genko, it begun.

At first, Velobo saw nothing. There was no light, no sound, no sense of time or of being or anything. Then, he heard the whisper. With the whisper came a bright light. Velobo shielded his eyes.

Velobo opened his eyes and saw himself, notably without a metal band, staring back at him in what seemed to be a white room with two chairs and a low table. He turned away from the mirror and sat in the smaller of the chairs, suspiciously perfectly sized for one of his size. He looked around the room and continued to stare at nothing.

"Hello 2106062, or should I say, Velobo Calidad."

The voice was male and average, but it had a bit of power and confidence behind it. It came from the other chair, where slowly a man, one who seemed to be cloaked in blackness, was starting to form. Whether it was an actual cloak or something else, Velobo wasn’t sure, but he did note that the only thing detail he could really see was white smile manifesting on his face.

Velobo recognized this man, it was the one who had met him on the conveyer belt where he was formed, who gave him his name, and who gave him the metal band that he had worn throughout the battle.

"I guess that we can have our talk now, huh?"

Velobo continued to observe the now fully present man, who did seem to be covered under a veil of blackness and seemed to be wearing a hood. Velobo was unable to distinguish a tone from his voice. Though he remembered the help, his being in another universe and wary of illusions made him skeptical of this being the same man in black. "Just who are you? How did you get to the Caelo Ruinam?"

"Oh, is that where you went? Good to know, along with this signal that is going to make tracking you down a lot easier."

"What do you mean? Answer my questions or I will not speak."

"Oh come on, is that any way to treat the person who helped you realize your full potential? The one who only wants to bring the Plazmuth's back to glory?"

Velobo stayed silent, trying to keep a scowl at his less than cooperative guest (or was it the other way around?) though he couldn't help but momentarily gleam at the mention of his race.

"Sticking to your guns ay? Alright, I'll give in, I don't know how much time I have so I shouldn't dawdle. " The man removed the hood with black hands that seemed to have too many fingers revealing pointed ears and three solid grey eyes. Most of his other features were of the same charcoal color scheme. "You can call me Sivach, as I said, I want to revive the Plazmuth race, the real one."

Velobo was still wary, but still unsure. "What do you mean by real one? Am... I not a Plazmuth?"

Sivach smiled, "I suppose we should start at the beginning, we need to activate your band." He stood up from his chair and moved toward the mirror. Velobo followed.

"Alright, place your hand here and the band will do the rest."

The Plazmuth slowly did as he was told, not completely sure what he would find out, or if he would like it.

Years and years and years in the past, when the barriers that kept the universes separate were strong, there lived a race of creatures. This race, through their great technology and desire to spread out and learn, peacefully succeed in uniting their universe. These creatures shared their basic shape, that of a cube with a varying number of eyes and limbs and a number of other differences from one subject to another. Each individual had the potential to be the greatest at their given field, a potential that was aided by an ability to understand and analyze at a faster rate than any others they knew of at the time. Eventually, the creatures used their knowledge to leave their home universe, and spread out across the multiverse.

For ages these creatures traveled along the invisible lines that linked the universes to each other and the multiverse, and they lived, bettering the lives of the inhabitants that they found and trying to uphold peace, all while learning more and more about the worlds that existed parallel to their own. They spread, farther and farther away from each other, and deeper into the multiverse, in search of the secrets that it held. As returns to their home universe began to dwindle, they began to leave items and supplies in the universe that they were visiting, they handed them to friends as gifts, hid then in caverns and caves, and sealed them away from the clutch of the natives, to benefit any member of their species should they also enter this universe.

The creatures continued their travels, recording the events that transpired, noting down their history, and hiding the blueprints to their grand technology away from those who would use them for evil.

Then, one day, these creatures disappeared, never to be seen again and to be forgotten by the passage of time, with their only sign of existence being the technology they left. Technology with potential that could only be fully realized through the will of one of their species.

Velobo was unable to move. He began to cry. "Are... are you saying that these... these are Plazmuths? That... that a race that traveled across the multiverse, trying to spread peace and learn was reduced to... to nothing more but a circus attraction?" Velobo fell to his knees, tears flowing down his body.

"That seems to be the case, but what if it wasn't?"

Velobo looked up to Sivach, his mind still trying to cope from what he had just learned, and unable to question the man’s words, but making his wish to clear.

"I believe that, just as your brothers and sisters were kept as cattle, there are other Plazmuth's still extant in the multitverse, and I want them to come back."

Velobo shook himself and dried his tears, still overwhelmed by the knowledge, but now with some hope. "Tell me how."

"Just what I was hoping for." Sivach gave Velobo a thumbs up and a white smile. "The key to all this is your metal bracelet, if you haven't realized this by now, it's the reason why we can speak right now. It can send and receive various signals, like the one it sent to your brain that awakened your potential, and the one that brought me to you right now. It's why I was able to find out about the Plazmtuhs, and why I was able to find the other Plazmuth artifacts that eventually led me to you."

"The band was drained of energy after reviving your mind and then you were taken, but luckily it seems to have powered up all on its own, so it’s time for the second phase of the plan. I need your band to send out a signal, one that will activate the Plazmuth devices spread across the multiverse, possibly reveal any other Plazmuths hiding, and hopefully bring them back."

"Wait a moment; doesn't that run the risk of giving Plazmuth technology to hands that could use it for evil acts? I want to bring back my people to glory, but I don’t like the idea of their technology being left up for grabs by just anyone in the multiverse."

Sivach looked to the side and sighed, "That is a risk, but one that's worth it! We have the bracelet and a few other things, but they aren’t enough to bring your race back. I don't know how many more times we can use your bracelet before it stops being able to do anything, but if use it to send out a signal, we could let the multiverse know that someone wants to bring the Plazmuths back. We could find the others and maybe collect other pieces of technology that could speed up the process!"

Velobo considered his options, Sivach’s reasoning seemed to be sound, and this seemed to be the only hope. Even if he did make it back to the moon, there seemed to be a chance that the band wouldn’t be able to bring out their full potential. On a similar note, the band was receiving messages from other battles as well, if he kept receiving such signals, there was a chance that he wouldn’t come home with the band at all. Sivach was right, it was worth the risk for his people. "Let's send the signal."

"Yes! Alright, put both of your hands on the mirror and just clear your mind, I'll send the signal through you, and then our mission to revive the Plazmuth race can truly begin. I think that after that though, we'll have to stop talking, so if you've got anything to say, say it."

Velobo nodded, stared at Sivach, and smiled, "Thank you, for everything."

Sivach followed suit, "It is my pleasure."

The two placed their hands on the mirror and the white room began to return to nothing. As the signal that carried their hopes was sent out, the world around them began to fade, slowly, until their palms no longer felt the glass and they reentered the world outside the metal bracelet.

One by one, across the multiverse, the ancient technology of the Plazmuth sparked to life.


Ursus saw him coming, but then again, you'd have to be blind, deaf, and dumb to not see the large, sort of armored, mass of muscle and ego that was SIR DORUKOMETS[b] coming straight at you. Ursus would have preferred to ignore the oaf and was about to leap upward, back to Lady Midday but as his legs bent, there was a shout of [b]DOOOOOOOOOOORUUUUUUUUUUUUU and instead of moving upward, he was blown backward.

"No no no, my hairless friend, I've been waiting for a fight with one of you, and I'm not going to let the opportunity pass by. Prepare yourself, for now you face SIR DORUKOMETS in combat."

While Sir Dorukomets saw an angry bear roar and accept his challenge, Ursus only saw an obstacle between him and his boss. Sir Dorukomets was in the way, and one way or another, soon he wouldn’t be.

Ursus clapped his hands together and set his arms on fire. Dorukomets responded by taking out a metal staff and shifting his fighting stance. Ursus started the bout off by launching a fireball with a punch and charging forward. Dorukomets batted the flames back at the bear who charged through it and launched an uppercut, which Dorukomets only just managed to dodge.

As a single bead of sweat formed from the intense heat, Sir Dorukomets smiled. As two of his arms punched the wide open Ursus, the warrior let out a roar of excitement, that could have matched his opponents previous one of anger "NOW THIS, IS A FIGHT!"

Finally catching up onto the scene, Gimeri and Tykidu watched in awe as the warrior and the bear continued to land blow after blow on one another. They couldn't believe their eyes as Ursus set loose a wall of fire only for Dorukomets to leap right over it! They gasped when Dorukomets swung his staff only for Ursus to bite it, tearing it apart! It was amazing

As they continued to slash, punch, kick, burn, bite, charge, yell, and bleed, Ursus realized a few things. First of all, this was actually difficult. He thought that it would only take a few blows, but despite landing three fiery slashes on to the man, he was still standing. Ursus supposed that his opponent didn't wear armor because he didn't need it. Second of all, he had wasted too much time. There was still an intruder in Midday's chamber, and while he knew that she could deal with it, the thought of her having to even combat such a worthless pest annoyed him. Third of all, he had spectators.

The things running through Sir Dorukomets were much less interesting and were mostly 'holy shit I am fighting a magic bear and this is awesome'. "Up until now I have only used one weapon against you, but I have deemed you worthy of fighting me with two weapons at once. Be prepared, for not many get to see such a thing."

"Alright! You get him Dorky, make him rue the day he crossed paths with ya!"

As Dorukomets took out two swords and swung them in the air, making a lot of showy swishes, he stared down the now slightly more defensive Ursus, "Oh, I intend to have every blow embed itself into his mind."

Ursus grinned maliciously. It seemed like the spectators were friends of Sir Dorukomets. He could use this. Ursus began by throwing bolts of magic that his opponent slashed into nothing, followed by some more wide waves of fire, keeping some distance and trying to make his way back to the hole where he could make his escape.

In a way, their fight was a beautiful one, their attacks flowing into each other, almost as if they were performing a deadly ballet recital. This was because, Sir Dorukomets' blows had become less stabbing and slashing and were more about keeping Ursus close. He wasn't stupid to the point of not being able to see what Ursus was trying to do, but he really wanted to fight a bear. As a result, he used the extra reach of blades to try to grab Ursus so that he could attack with his other arms, hopefully preventing Tykidu and Gimeri from becoming participants.

After going left when he should have ducked, Sir Dorukomets was finally hit by one of Ursus' bolts of magic, stunning him and giving the bear the opening he needed. As Ursus launched after the bird-boy, Dorukomets called for him, "This is a fight between only you and SIR DORUKOMETS, they have no place in it!"

Ursus grabbed Tykidu by the neck and kicked Gimeri backwards. Harpy in hand, he let out a savage smile and said "I never agreed to such a rule. Now, you will stay there and I will take this weakling as my new toy or should I just crush him now?"

Tykidu struggled to say something, but could not overcome the ever tightening grip from his captor. Ursus stood under the hole he had fallen from and once more prepared to jump upward, looking at the angered but unmoving Dorukomets, just to make sure that there wasn't a surprise attack in his future.

Unfortunately for him, the surprise attack came from the very hole he was about to leap through, as the enlightened Velobo, arm still connected to a gaudy gauntlet, landed squarely on Ursus' head, releasing Tykidu from his iron grip and knocking the bear to the floor with a loud thud.

Velobo tried to move, but found that the glove was too heavy for him, leaving him stuck with his face over Ursus' head. He was confused, the signal had been sent, so the gauntlet should have activated by now, right?

As Velobo laid in wonder, Dorukomets walked to his side and lifted the Plazmuth upright, "Such a shame, I wanted to that." He then made his way to check on Tykidu, noting the gauntlet on Velobo's arm. "Now, first things first, Tykidu, are you alright?" The bird-boy nodded, weakly thanking Velobo for the save. "Good, now, Gimeri, are you alright as well?"

"Eet was only a single blow, it would take more than zat to take me out for ze count."

"Good! Now, we must also thank Velobo, as this,"
He lifted up Velobo by the gauntlet, causing the cuboid to swing from it, "Is the Gauntlet of Genko!"

Dorukomets then noticed the swinging Plazmuth and asked, "Calidad, why are you wearing my gauntlet?"

"It just sort of happened... a lot of things just happened."

"I can see that, we should expound on the details after we get my gauntlet off of you."

It was then that Tengeri made her way down and joined them, first noticing that Velobo had the glove on, and that even more distressingly, that the 'knight' and green thing were back...

A more thorough look at the situation told her that something had happened, probably involving the bear that they were all standing over.

"Oh, it'! Hello there..."

"Greetings serpent, friend of Calidad, as you can see, our mutual friend is in somewhat of a situation, could you lend a hand in freeing him?"

Velobo was still a bit shaken from his meeting with Sivach, and mostly kept quiet, musing about what lay in the future, while Tengeri and Dorukomets attempted to separate him from the glove. After a few failed attempts that left an ache on him, Gimeri suggested that they use some of her ink.

With some more effort, the group successfully released Velobo from the gauntlet. Dorukomets thanked Velobo and Tengeri for recovering it and then placed it on his upper left hand.

"Oh my, Calidad, did... did you do something to it? I can feel it, yes! This is what my friend all those ages ago told me of!" Dorukomets lifted his arm into the air, flexing his gloved arm and smiling at being reunited with his cherished item. "Yes, the Gauntlet of Genko is fully active, and I, SIR DORUKOMETS, thank you all for your aid. Now, let us have discourse!" </font>

Messages In This Thread
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Three: Caelo Ruinam) - by Solaris - 09-02-2012, 07:21 PM