Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Three: Caelo Ruinam)
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

Fortunately for Tengeri, the field of water surrounding her head cushioned the bear's clawed fist enough to prevent especially serious damage.

Unfortunately for Tengeri, she was still punched in the head by a goddamned bear.

The right side of the stone-walled bedchamber became an ambiguous blur as the aquatic scientist did the airborne equivalent of stumbling backwards. The blue-green blood flowing from a fresh set of bear claw gashes started to cloud up around her head as her left set of eyes vomited a bunch of warnings all over the room. Trying to keep track of her assailant in spite of the head injury, Tengeri unsteadily floated to the ceiling, still well within reach of the bear. She would've written it off as just another random monster if it weren't for the fact that it was covered in tattoos that probably didn't just grow there naturally. There was also the fact that the bedchamber hadn't been completely demolished, and was in fact fairly spotless other than the freshly de-faced body of what may or may not have been Scofflaw.

Tengeri's response to the creature was a lot like one might respond to a misbehaving housecat. The misbehaving housecat, in this case, was an aggressive one-ton mass of hair, teeth, and claws, while the spray bottle was instead an extremely high-pressure burst of water.

She immediately took advantage of her disciplinary action to check the room for a method of knocking out the downed creature. Bringing down the ceiling would probably just piss it off even more. She could have thrown it out the window, but it goes without saying that it wouldn't survive. Also, it was probably going to be getting up any second and there really wasn't much time to be looking around, dammit.

Tengeri's multitude of eyes then fell upon the five-poster bed at the other end of the room, and without thinking, she sprang into action. A pair of metallic claws gripped one of the posts as two more cleanly severed its connection to the bed. The post was promptly smashed to splinters by the bear's claw rather than the back of its head. Tengeri did the sensible thing and swam away very quickly, cursing her decision not to include a stun function in any of her implants. What she did have was the ability to identify structural weaknesses, and, perhaps, to exploit them.

Judging from the look on its face as the ground crumbled beneath its feet, the bear didn't expect a jet of water to be enough to weaken the millenia-old stone floor to the point of breaking under its weight. Tengeri cautiously peered into the meters-wide hole in the ground, finding that several floors beneath were only sturdy enough to slow the bear down. Apparently whoever had taken over the fortress hadn't bothered to reinforce most of the structure, at least yet.

But it was hardly the time to muse about architecturally incompetent supervillains. The nanites in her bloodstream had mostly stopped the bleeding, although the fact that she was breathing her own heavily diluted blood was a bit disconcerting and probably unhealthy.

Right now, though, that wasn't important. Tengeri had a task to focus on, and by all rights, she should have focused on it. She should have rushed to the dracodactyl, grabbed the feather, and gotten the hell out. She should have just ignored Scofflaw - if he were really dead, they wouldn't still be here right now. In fact, the longer she waited, the higher the chance of someone else dying and the chance at escape being lost.

But she didn't. Instead, she took the time to hover over the corpse of what may or may not have been Scofflaw. Maybe her judgment was as clouded as the water around her. But instead of running, she tried to figure out what was going on. Not for very long - maybe fifteen, twenty seconds, rerunning scans that didn't glean any new information. 84% certainty, death by acid spit, apparently from the dracodactyl.

The sound of an opening door signalled to Tengeri that she had just made a grave error. A lightning bolt fired from the hand of the robe-clad figure emerging from the doorway barely missed hitting her square in the face, although in spite of that she was entirely unscathed.

Without a second thought, Tengeri wrenched the now brightly-glowing gauntlet from her storage unit and flung it at the attacker. Lady Midday's slightly bored expression turned to slightly surprised as the Gauntlet of Genko slammed into her face, throwing her straight through the wall behind her with a crash. A second crash, more like glass shattering, came from behind the Midday-shaped hole in the wall.

GB-007, "Velobo Calidad", detected, engaging hostile. Distance: 5m.


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Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Three: Caelo Ruinam) - by Anomaly - 08-30-2012, 04:24 AM