Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Three: Caelo Ruinam)
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.


"That son of a bitch!"


"I can't fucking believe he did that! That we let that happen!"


"I'd take a fucking psion over that stripy piece of shit! At least a psion doesn't make you enjoy it when he rapes your fucking mind!"


TinTen looked up from his perch on a pile of recently re-killed skeletons, marking his place in his book with one fingertendril. "Huebert, please keep emotional breakdown to dull roar. Trying to determine course of action."

Huebert whirled on the placid squid. "How the fuck are you sitting there like a stoned droyne acting like everything's just damned peachy? Maybe you thought it was nice having the Tartan Twat shove his braindick in your ear?"

"Scofflaw, not Tyrant. Don't play his game."


The utterly furious Huebert swung himself back around and landed another punch on the wall, sending a surprising amount of hairline fractures spiderwebbing across the stone and an unsurprising amount of split skin zig-zagging across his knuckles. It wasn't very satisfying. At least the skeletal warriors had had the decency to look affronted when you broke them; walls just hurt like a son of a bitch.

"Please, Huebert. Am incensed. Cannot imagine single other reality or situation in which am angrier. Betrayal, mental violation, directly causing deaths of uncountable sophonts... Man is disgusting, vile. Must die for sake of everyone, must die for personal affronts. But have internalized anger; cannot let it cloud judgement. You must internalize as well."

"Well exkah-yuuuuuse the fuck out of me, Saint Naamxe the first! Some of us silly meatheads can't just turn it all off like you. It must be nice to be a fuckin' squidbot wh–"

"Huebert." There was a dangerous edge to the scientist's voice; those two syllables hummed like tensile wire stretched to its breaking point then roughly plucked. "Please."

The Huebert in question closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. It wasn't fair or helpful, he figured, to lash out against his friend. Even if the little bastard had no idea how to talk to people. And was as warm and comforting as, well, a squid. He probably was just as angry as Huebert himself was. Who could ever tell?

"Advise you stop bullying wall for a few moments," TinTen quipped in what was his idea of a tension-relieving joke. "Allow suit's medical systems to repair sauropod damage and likely fractures to knuckles."

It was the wise thing to do, of course. It also served to remind Huebert of the alternately searing and throbbing pain in his shoulder where Kerak had managed to get a bite in, which he didn't really appreciate much. Hopefully the anaesthetic gel would take effect soon and the suit's nanobots would get him fighting fit in no time. For the moment, he simply slid down against the wall and folded his arms on his knees after batting a leering skull across the floor. It narrowed its eye-sockets at him. He ignored it and watched TinTen read.

It wasn't very exciting.

Some minutes later, TinTen had a handful of datapads spread around himself and had berated a few skeletal arms into holding them up for him; he was furiously rifling through his holy book and taking notes across several of the holographic screens at once. Whatever he was looking for and whatever plan he was formulating, it didn't seem like he was going to find it or finish it anytime soon. Huebert was getting bored and was still a simmering pot of raged; he didn't like just sitting around when Scofflaw was out there, probably building a machine that turned orphans into diet soda or something. Without warning, he stood up and made for one of the two doors out of the room.

TinTen didn't look up, but muttered "Don't. Use other door."

"Why, exactly?"

He gestured at the datapads surrounding him. "Could explain, but would take time. Trust me, omens point that direction."

Huebert shrugged. Sometimes it bothered him that TinTen trusted some vague bunch of weird correlations so much as to guide pretty much their every action with them, but things tended to turn out well. Well enough. It wasn't like he had any particular reason to go through this door over that one anyway. He crossed the room and poked at the wall until the stone slab slid back into the wall.

"Reconnoiter nearby. Will catch up soon hopefully. Please do not proceed far."

"Look, TinTen, I get that you're the brains of this operation," Huebert said through gritted teeth, "But you really don't have to treat me like I'm a kid or an idiot. It's really starting to piss me off."

"Am sorry. Has been stressful since kidnapping. Will try to be less authoritative, meddlesome."

The door closed behind Huebert with a rocky thud. Honestly, the fact that some kind of flying superweapon was made of stone really grated on TinTen, but he had bigger things to worry about. He went back to his research.


Messages In This Thread
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Three: Caelo Ruinam) - by SleepingOrange - 02-23-2012, 10:20 PM