Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Three: Caelo Ruinam)
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Velobo, while full of knowledge on miscellaneous technology, science, and other general subjects, was not familiar with many of the sayings that are ever present in our lives. Had he been, perhaps he would have known not to judge books by their covers, especially when you find a large, muscular, yet virtually unarmored book, standing unscathed in the middle of Hell.

As Velobo and Dorukumets stared off, Velobo was plotting the best way to take the lummox down. He was certain that he was faster, and that while he didn't have a physical advantage, he did have an arsenal of tricks that could prevent his opponent from putting his strength to use. When Dorukumets threw the first blow, Velobo knew what he would do.

It started off with a leap and a spit, conjoining Dorukumets' heavy pole with his hands, preventing any weapon changing and hindering his arm movement. From there, the cuboid used the walls to build up speed, and to distract his opponent before swinging his metal armband down, aiming at Dorukumets' face.

Then, in a moment, Velobo was flying backwards, his arm squishing against his face. He was frozen in shock. What just happened? Dorukumets couldn't have moved fast enough to see his attack, but he did otherwise his arm would be stuck on the muscleman’s face and not his own.

<font color="#bb9900">Dorukumets took advantage of the pause of surprise to readjust his stance as best he could with the spit sticking his hands in place. His posse took advantage of the pause to mock Velobo.

"Hoo hoo hoo hoo, it seems that ze little one is floored."
"Yea, he sure wasn't expecting the Auto-Counter. Looks like Dorky has got this in the palm of his hand."

Auto-Counter? If he can automatically counter my attacks then that means that a head-on attack is impossible, no matter how much I try to hide it. Which means that I need to trip him up, attack indirectly like I did to get his hands stuck.

"Well Calidad? Has the counter of SIR DORUKUMETS left you without any fight at all? Or do you have something else up your sleeve?"

"I am ready whenever you are," Velobo stepped one foot back, not completely certain of how to progress but with enough of an idea to continue, "Come at me."

Not one to turn down an invitation, Dorukumets obliged, this time swinging his pole in a downward arc, which Velobo easily jumped over. He spit on the pole when it touched the floor and then shot another glob at one of Dorukumets' feet. Launching his tongue at the large mans shoulder, he tried to swing around and knock him in the back of the head only to be countered once more.

"Just give up cubey! Dorukumets is out of your league."

The Plazmuth put a valiant effort, locking Dorukumets' hands and feet in place and landing a few hits here and there. However, as long as he was able to move at all, Dorukumets was able to counter-attack. I certainly didn't help that Velobo was well versed in the way of heavy attack, and that the hits that did connect were not very effective. Eventually the cuboid tired and reluctantly gave in.

"Ha ha ha, another victory for SIR DORUKUMETS. Worry not Calidad, you are not the first to fall to my prowess. Gimeri! Heal him; I have a feeling that he would be a welcome addition to our entourage."

As the squid-lady produced a pencil out of some flap and floated to Velobo's side to draw a healing rune, Tykidu's face changed from one of smugness to one of dissatisfaction.
"What? This weakling? Why? What can he do? Look at him he's tiny!"
"Tykidu, watch your tongue! You did not fight Calidad, I did, and with my keen Warrior Senses, I felt that he had the heart!"
To drive the point home, he moved his hands as close as he could to his chest and gazed thoughtfully into the air. Tykidu frowned, but did not argue further.

Gimeri held Velobo still with two tentacles while using the other to draw on his face. While she didn't seem to have a good grip on the pencil, it was only slightly tangled in the appendage, it did not lose any forcefulness the entire way through. Velobo was impressed with her dexterity, and was further impressed when the completed rune glowed and he suddenly felt re-energized.
"What was that?"
"It was just a basic healing rune, although... I don't recall the spell glowing that much last time eet was used."
"Ancient characters? How does that work?"
"Eet is magic."

Magic was something else that Velobo was terribly familiar with, he knew that it was something that the late Miles Murdoch did, and that apparently the area they were in was full of it as well, but he hadn't really taken the time to ask anyone exactly what it was.

As he was about to inquire, Dorukumets had finally freed himself of the hardened sticky spit. Walking up to the cube and lifting him up, the muscleman smiled confidently at him and began his spiel.
"Calidad, I can feel great things are ahead for you. Great things involving me, SIR DORUKUMETS, and my entourage. You see, we are currently here on a quest, to find the Gauntlet of Genko, a powerful artifact that I require. With you on board I am sure that we will be able to reach it without much trouble," he placed Velobo on his shoulder and posed outward, "Well, Calidad, what do you say?"

Velobo thought for a moment. These three obviously knew something about what was going on in the Ruinam, and they did not seem like the new owners that The Fool had mentioned. Could they have been the so-called heroes? Even if they weren't, it was likely that sticking with them would lead to learning more about the area and also possibly help with finding the others in the battle.
Velobo nodded, "Let's go."</font>

Messages In This Thread
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Three: Caelo Ruinam) - by Solaris - 01-27-2012, 04:43 PM