Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Three: Caelo Ruinam)
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

"This is perfect! Just the type of challenge that SIR DORUKOMETS has been waiting for."

"Ja, monsters, und traps, und all sorts of dangers, are you sure that we are powerful enough for this?"

"What a ridiculous question, Gimeri! Dorky is ready for anything and everything that this mucky old fortress can bring him."

"Yes, it is as Tykidu says! ONWARD ENTOURAGE OF SIR DORUKOMETS, together we shall find the Gauntlet of Genko! Then, we will defeat those pesky adventurers and that villainous swine once and for all!"


In the moments after appearing in an odd corridor of the Caelo Ruinam, Velobo didn't know what to think. He had been betrayed. In all honesty, that wasn't surprising, he had been assigned to watch Tart-, Scofflaw for a reason after all. That wasn't really what had hurt him most. He was controlled.

True, he was just following orders, something that was mandatory on The Battlefield, but he still he felt like he should have done something to stop himself, like he tried to do with the groups of soldiers he met. But no. Ultimately, the thing that was eating him up was not what he did, but what he didn't do.

"I just followed along, without acting on my thoughts, just a tool, his Plaidsmuth," that last word was spit out, incomprehensible to anyone who would have heard, "It was like... like I was one of them..."

Velobo leaned his cubular body against a wall, thinking back on his race, the other Plazmuths left to fend for themselves in his absence. Where they successful? Could they have earned their freedom without him? As he thought of his short time on the Muer Moon, he couldn't help but dwell on the words of the Benefactors when they first showed themselves to him. They called him an anomaly. Is that what he truly was?

Before he could dwell on this further he was stirred from his meditation by a shout.

"Oh man Dorky that was amazing! You sure showed that golem who was boss!"
"Yus, yus that was mag-ni-fi-co."

Velobo looked out of his little outcropping to see what the sources of these words were. He was firstly surprised to see a large humanoid man with six arms clad in lavish armor that didn't look very protective. With the exception of the helmet, boots, and chest plate, it was mostly chains that emphasized his large biceps, muscles, and abs. On his back was an absurd amount of weapons held by a series of straps and scabbards.

Behind him, speaking in a flowery accent was an octopus, dark purple in color. She or at least Velobo supposed it was a she, floated a little as her tentacles swung around. She also had two golden eyes and a red flower on her head. Riding on top of her, was a small creature, though still reasonably taller than Velobo, with green feathered wings and claws instead of arms. He seemed very cheery and full of energy. As the large man began to celebrate their victory, he copied the poses made as well as his green feathers could manage.

He was the one who noticed Velobo.

"Who is that guy? Is he another monster? Dooooorky!"
"Hmmm, I don’t know, it doesn't seem very... monster material."
"Ja, it is a little on the small side. It must be lost or such, poor thing."

The feathered bird fluttered down from the octopus's head and stood over Velobo, who had begun to gauge the situation and figure out how he would take action, if he needed too.
"I dunno..."

"Would you please move farther away from my face?"

"It can speak!"
"So it can... I wonder what else it can do... Creature, do you think you can face, SIR DORUKUMETS in combat?"
The large man who Velobo now knew to refer to as Dorukumets drew a sword from his back and pointed it at him, also adding a dashing smile to the pose in the process.

"I suppose I would be willing to fight you, but I would prefer to save my efforts for others."

"If that is so then tell me your name, SIR DORUKOMETS demands it."

"I am Velobo Calidad," the cuboid stepped back as he calculated his first move, "and I accept your challenge."</font>

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Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Three: Caelo Ruinam) - by Solaris - 12-24-2011, 05:26 AM