Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Two: The Great Battlefield)
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

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She was tired. Who wasn't by now? After the ridiculously large level of general bad things and unfortunate happenings that she had to deal with anyone normal would have just given up right by now. Of course, she was better than that, even if it was by just a little.

She was tired. Tired of the ever increasing errand boys and advice seekers. Of the planners and commanding officers. Of each and every thing that had decided to approach her and pick at her in the most unpreventable ways.

So when she saw the little avocado colored cube, she waded through the large wave of attention seeking officers. She approached one of the only people she could call a friend (or at worst an ally) and she sort of broke down a little.

Everyone has those moments. When they just need to have some emotional release, be it from tears, or a show of companion ship, or something more intimate as the case may be. Tengeri liked hugs (or whatever would be the appropriate serpent equivalent to them). This is the reason why, mere moments after seeing him for the first time in this battlefield, she almost killed Velobo Calidad.

It was a spur of the moment thing, she just coiled at the little guy up and held his somewhat squishy, square body close to hers. It had been the first time in quite a while that she had anyone that close. She really needed that hug. She just closed her eyes for a moment, and let everything go....

*thump* *thump* *thump*

Then she let Velobo go. As the asphyxiated cube caught his breath, a rather embarrassed Tengeri just floated above, looking as meekly as she could. The soldiers around just stood around, Velobo's Avocado Soldier's look worried and huddled a bit above him, but it wasn't like they could do anything other than watch. Then he got up, spat out a mixture of water and his saliva, leaving a very sticky puddle, and proceeded to just fall on his back, close his eyes, and breath a little.

Then he got back up with a smile. Tengeri tried to make one too.

im sorry

"It's okay, it could have been worse... so I suppose that something pretty big happened in here?"

i might have killed the general of the red army

Velobo was silent for a moment. Did he read that right? Did that really happen? Could that really happen? Of course the answer to both was a resounding "duh," but that didn't stop Velobo from mouthing out a "What?"

it was an accident
there was a man in black and

"And he had a kill gun? And he wanted to get rid of us? Yes, I too encountered one of them." He motioned to one of his soldiers to drag in the bound agent.

it looks like a lot happened to the both of us

"It would most likley be in our best interests to trade notes." He then looked at the pile of soldiers standing around the room, "but probably not here. If this base is anything like the yellow one, I think I know just the place."

The trip from the general's quarters all the way down to the redteal central computer room was extremely informative. During their descent, the two battlers learned just about everything the other knew about the situation they were in. Velobo learned of Scofflaw's exploits and the various things that Tengeri had picked up as a soldier and then a general. In return, she learned of how Velobo gained a prisoner and a regiment, from his meeting with Kerak to his fight with the soldier to his escape from the yellow base. When the elevator reached the appropriate floor, Velobo was just finishing recounting the results of his interrogation of the captured agent.

"All he talked about was about the power of his bosses, The Benefactors. He described them as the grandmasters behind this entire war."

so you think they work with the fool

"I thought that yes, but that doesn't exactly fit in with what The Fool brought us here for. Unless...his kind have a fight of their own?"

that would not be surprising

The group had reached their destination, as Velobo had suspected, there was a guarded door in the exact same location as it was in the Yellow Base. They entered through, revealing the exact same graphics and numbers on a screen over a control station. However, the large difference between now and before was that the red zero column had been... corrupted. The numbers were much lower than when Velobo saw them, but it seemed that one digit was just irregular. Moving across, the other numbers were relevantly normal.

Then they clicked on the next arrow. Like before, the various colors of related to the contestants were shown, including the new teal "8". This column was also corrupted.

"This doesn't look good..."

<font color="#00FF98">are all these numbers for the soldiers

"As far as I can tell, yes. It seems to be completely accurate, but I can't figure out how. And he," Velobo pointed at the unenthused soldier, "won't tell me. You are better at computers, do you think you can figure it out?"

it would probably take time
but it is worth a shot

Before they could continue, a teal soldier entered the room, panting heavily. "General.... sir.... the sponsors are requesting.... your presence... in your... office.. aaauuggh-" The soldier fell to the floor. </font>

After sending the soldier to the medical bay and acsending back up the Teal Base, Tengeri found her new office surprisingly dark and uncharacteristically empty. Upon entering, the windows blackened further and four screens appeared. On the screen, four blurred silhouettes appeared.

"Hello General." The first voice to speak was garbled, but the contempt in it was still clear. "I believe you have something of ours."

you mean this army and the base

"Correct," a second, equally garbled voice rang out.

"Then I suppose that makes you The Benefactors?"

"You are similarly correct Mr. Calidad."

"Let's cut to the chase. You met our agents, you know that we want you gone."

"As quickly as possible."

"We have been informed of your... situation, but with all of the chaos you have caused so far, we don't exactly enjoy the prospect of you just up and leaving this behind without fixing your mess."

"We have decided that we will simply terminate all of you."

Tengeri and Velobo stepped back at the statement.

"While our agents may have failed, we will take every step to ensure that our next plan does not."

surely we can reach an arrangement
none of us belong here in the first place

"Regardless, you have wronged us."
"Do you know how many years it would take for us to get back everything you wiped out?"
"The issue is that it is too late. The damage has been done."
"We have decided that the best option is to start fresh." The last silhouette smiled widely. "In a matter of hours nothing will matter."

"Then what was the point of telling us? Just to gloat?"

"Correct, Mister Calidad. In a matter of hours everything will be reset, and if what you say is true then at least one of you will die anyway."
"And if it isn't, then you won't exactly be in the position to argue."

Without another word, the screens went blank. The windows opened once more and the doors unlocked. And Velobo and Tengeri simply stood, momentarily at a loss of what to do.

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Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Two: The Great Battlefield) - by Solaris - 09-10-2011, 03:26 AM