Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Two: The Great Battlefield)
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

As he retreated from his position, Squad Leader Madison made sure to send a report to the Green Headquarters. After its arrival, some met it with full-blown laughs, others met it with sighs, but one met it with an almost odd seriousness. This one soldier knew that this was a serious report. That Madison would never just make this up and then send it in. He immediately began to pull strings and set things in motion to make sure that the Green General himself would get the report.

"We've arrived."
Velobo and the members of the yellow squad arrived at the Yellow Base with little fan-fare. He and the soldiers entered the bustling building, and were immediately joined by another group of soldiers. Most of the group then left to elsewhere in the base, but a few, including the leader he had converted, stayed. As they walked, the soldiers exchanged a few whispers, but Velobo was focused on other things. He was observing the path and each and every room and soldier. He was going to map out this building. And then he was going to find the Yellow General.

"Are you joking?" The Green General stared at the latest report handed to him by one of his officers. The large man, of course dressed fully in green, had one hand on his large desk and the other on his mustache. Across from him was one of his more trusted officers, although after reading the report he was certainly rethinking that status... "I had a meeting today and instead you want me to waste time with some report on some cube... thing?"
"I am very sorry Sir, but if you know Madison like I do then you would understand that this is a completely accurate report of real events."
The General continued fondling his mustache, still skeptical. "You are aware there was a dinosaur. A dinosaur!"
"Sir, please. If it was any other soldier I wouldn't even think of having this report on the same floor as you. But Madison is one of our best. He's telling the truth. He has to be."
The General sighed. "I'm going to have to speak with... some consultants first. Please leave, everyone, clear out, that's an order."
As his soldiers left the room the General pressed a button on his desk. The windows were slowly covered and the room went dark. He turned his desk around and faced the large screen that lowered from the ceiling. As the windows finished being covered and the room went completely black, the screen became illuminated. Four grey silhouettes appeared, all sitting in various poses awaiting a response from the General who had summoned them.
"My gracious benefactors. I am afraid that we may have a problem."

"Hmpf, a simple briefing room? What were they thinking?" Locked inside with the soldier that was actually under his control, Velobo almost couldn't believe his luck. Staring at a crude map of the facility made from his observance on the way there, he began to chart a path to where he thought he would find his general. "If memory serves this path should lead to that room, and then this room was the one with all of the guards in front of it. Yes, this should go along perfectly."
"And what of I, sir?" Asked the loyal yellow.
"Huh. oh yea... I guess if things go sour I will need a quick form of escape... go commandeer an escape vehicle for me. Yes, that should work out well. And don't let them catch you or report you to the higher officers or anything." The cuboid, content with his orders then sent him off while he entered an air duct and began his plan.

"And that is the situation." The Green General had just finished giving his report to his benefactors. His mustache was a mess and he was sweating bullets. Having to give such a ridiculous report, I can't believe I said half the things I did. Oh this just won't end well.
The Top Left Silhouette was the first to reply. A garbled voice was emitted from the screen. "Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I can see how this can be a problem to our efforts."
The Bottom Right Silhouette spoke next, "I think that this Velobo is not to be trusted, he pulled wool over our soldier’s eyes once, he will do it again. General, I suggest that you begin plans to mobilize troops against these anomalies. They are detrimental to our efforts to end the war. Tell your troops to be on alert for anything out of the ordinary."
The Top Right Silhouette spoke next. "We will converse privately, and get back to you on how better to act. But for now continue matters as normal after giving the warning. Do not inform them of the cube or his conversion, nor of the dinosaur."
The Green General's mouth was agape; he was shocked at the nonchalant response of the four figures. However, he brought himself back to Earth and responded with a loud and strong "Yes Sirs, Yes Madame."
And the room was dark once more.
As he deactivated the screen and re-lighted the room, the still sweating general called his secretary. "Jessica, please bring me a glass of water."
"And a to-"
"And yes, a towel. Thank you."
Sitting alone in his office, the Green General simply sighed in relief.

Velobo continued his trek in the vents. They were quite large and he didn't really have to struggle to go through them. He contently continued through until he reached the room that he remembered being guarded. Stopping at the vent and looking through, it was empty except for the glow of a large screen, a desk, and a few scattered chairs. Velobo squinted and whispered to himself, "Why is the General's room so dark?" He removed the vent and then stepped inside.
As he did he felt odd, he couldn't tell what or why, he just did. His side and back eyes looked all over the room for anyone or anything that could have been hiding in the darkness while walking toward the glowing screen with a protruding control station. The large monolith only showed a black screen with a few colored numbers. There was red 0, a blue 1, and green 2, and then a yellow 3. Under then were much larger numbers that continued fluctuating. As Velobo walked closer he noticed that there was more to the screen, there was a scroll bar on the bottom. Velobo climbed up the large keyboard on the bottom of the screen and then slowly began to scroll.


"So we are in accordance?"
"Yes, these seven anomalies must be dealt with before they tip the balance."
"Yes, as we have seen from the serpent, they run a risk of severely unbalancing the battle."
"And then there is that field set up as well."
"Yes, we will need to send in our best to prevent any one of them from breaking the stalemate that we've kept going."
"And if they can't? The one who set up that field has done the impossible, and the dinosaur’s army still grows."
"We must be prepared to do anything to stop the balance from being upset. They must be dealt with, quickly, and with minimal interaction with the soldiers."
"Then it is agreed. They will be dealt with. At any cost."
The four silhouettes each began to call the appropriate people. Soon, the intruders to the Great War would be dealt with the best that their infinite funds could afford. And if they failed, then they were prepared to initiate any contingency to erase the anomalies. No matter the cost.

More numbers appeared on the screen, a chartreuse colored 4, a plaid 5, and a brown 6, and finally, an olive 7. The first had much larger numbers, while the others were only one or a few. Velobo stepped back for a bit. "This... this keeps track of all of the armies?" As he made this conclusion, his confusion grew. "Why does the yellow army have this? Why isn't someone in here monitoring this? What is going on.?" The flustered cube pressed at the keyboard, trying to find something that would explain this. But before he could get far, the only thing he heard was a *click*.
<font color="black">"Velobo, hold still or I'll shoot."

Velobo's eyes darted around the room, it was completely empty, and nothing had changed. "Where are you?" he slowly asked, trying to find the source of this voice.
The voice chuckled. "Well, if you must know, I'm right behind you."
Velobo's back eye stared directly behind the small cube, focusing, he saw a faint outline. Slowly, the outline made itself more apparent. Velobo was shocked to see arms and legs slowly appear out of the air. Where there was nothing, there was now a man dressed fully in black, wearing a black helmet, and aiming a gun directly at him.
"Now that I have your attention, we are going to have a little chat."
Velobo growled in response.</font>

Messages In This Thread
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Two: The Great Battlefield) - by Solaris - 07-26-2011, 04:37 PM