Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Two: The Great Battlefield)
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Velobo ran down the hill away from the green encampment. Upon reaching the bottom half of the hill, he slowed down as he saw the advancing yellow forces. Taking a deep breath and raising his hands he slowly walked to the yellow clad soldiers, yelling, "Do not shoot, I come in peace."
"State your allegiance!" A soldier among the force yelled out.

Velobo took another deep breath and began
"I am Velobo Calidad and I am aligned to none of your warring governments. I am however, aligned with all of you, and all of your countries. Please, let me speak, I want to end this war the best way possible, not just for the green side or the red side or the blue side, but for all of the sides."
The commanding yellow soldier listened to of Velobo’s words. He was an older soldier, with many years under his belt. And in all that time, he had never seen or heard of such a thing, and while he was a bit confused, in the end he motioned for the artillery to hold its fire. Chuckling, he called out, asking and deciding to humor the creature, "What is a little cube like you going to do that all of our forces and resources couldn’t do?"

Velobo smirked, "I am glad you asked. As you may have guessed, I am not from around here. I might not even be from this universe to be honest. However, regardless of our exterior differences, we do share one large thing in common. We are all fighting for our lives. I was created on a desolate moon where my people where enslaved and made stupid for the entertainment of others. Shortly afterward, I was abducted against my will and entered in to a battle that I now may never escape. And now, I am here, amongst you all, soldiers with families and friends, who just like me, fight for your current life each and every waking moment. You don’t just fight for your lives, you fight for your loyalty to your country, you fight so that you can stay with your families, and you fight so that you can continue to fight for your fellow soldiers."
"And? What does that have to do with us? We’ve been fighting those treacherous greens, reds, and blues for as long as I can remember, and as long as anyone can. Some square olive isn’t going to come and change that. And furthermo-"

Velobo’s mouth lost its smirk. This obviously wouldn’t be as easy as he had hoped. After all, asking people to fight against their own country was miles away from uprising against a tyrant. And from the yellow commander’s words, his being a cube wasn’t going to be beneficial. So Velobo stopped fully listening to the commander’s rant on how terrible all of the other countries were, and he began to plot how he would bypass these two obstacles. Meanwhile, the yellow commander kept prattling on and on all about the terrors that all of the other armies had committed and how above them all the yellow army was, all getting to the point of getting in the way of his thoughts. Velobo now had a full on annoyed frown. This is going to difficult.

After a few moments, Velobo’s eyes perked up, he had it. Or at least he thought he did. Straightening himself up, he pointed at the commanding officer and began. "Sir, you have fought for many years, I suspect you have had your share of loss and sorrow, you’ve fought in this war for ages without moving a single inch forward, an eternal stalemate, one that has only given the world death or worse. Do you have a family back in your country? Don’t you fear being converted and losing all that you have back home? Don’t you fear having a friend one day, and fighting him the very next day? Can’t you see the inhumanity in this war? Please, as a living being can you not see how atrocious this war is?"

The yellow soldiers listening to the conversation were beginning to do what every good brainwashing government despised. They were thinking. And their commanding officer knew that. He began to twitch and shake, he was beginning to be angry, clenching his fist he replied "Most war is, olive boy, it is an evil that is necessary to protect our country!"
"And what if you are shot by an opposing army? Then what is your reason for fighting? "

Rather than deal with this with words, the officer decided that enough and he drew his gun and pointed it at Velobo. Velobo had seen this coming. Upon seeing the soldier reach for his weapon, Velobo made a slight sigh, followed by the launching of his tongue. The awkward and sudden jerking of his gun, right when he put his finger around the trigger, led to a shot ringing out right back on the commanding officer.

"Uaw mam. Thad. Wathent un purputh..."


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Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Two: The Great Battlefield) - by Solaris - 06-07-2011, 11:37 PM