Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Two: The Great Battlefield)
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

The 52nd Green Army Regiment, consisting of 10 infantry units, 5 heavy weapon soldiers, and their Squad Leader, Richard Genson, were scouting out the terrain on top of a hill. They were a tight group, having been through some of the worst and the best of this war. But they were fighting for their families, for their honor, for their country, and they were going to continue until they breathed their last breath.
Sharpshooter Tex Maxwel, was looking through his scope, searching for any blue scum who might come by. What he did see was what looked like a projectile heading right for their hill. He quickly yelled to his squad mates, "TAKE COVER!"
But the projectile passed them over, and landed lower on the hill, sans explosion. Richard immediately ordered 5 soldiers to go down and investigate while he informed HQ.
"Green Command, do you read me? This is Squad Leader Richard Genson of Regiment 52. We have spotted an unidentified flying object and it has landed near our encampment, I have sent 5 soldiers to investigate. Do you copy?"

Landing squarely on his cubular behind, or at least where it would be, Velobo was not at the top of his game. His head was still ringing with the message of Reinhardt and his body was still a bit groggy from his slumber. Looking around he was in a tall hill, the sky was a bit cloudy but for the most part incredibly bright. It was a sharp contrast to the factory, one that caused him some discomfort. Starting to get back into the swing of things, he stretched a bit, before deciding to climb the hill. As his short limbs carried him up, he thought of the events back in the factory. He remembered explaining his message to the others, and he remembered the rush to save Huebert. But who had died? With the message still ruining his focus, the moments following were a sort of blur. This message is going to be the end of me. Velobo tried to quiet the multi-universal message, and he succeeded to an extent. The entire message was still stamped into his mind, but at least he wasn’t hearing Reinhardt’s distorted voice on a loop.
"Okay that is a great improvement. Now, I need to get a plan, a list of things I will need to do here. Four armies, eternal stalemate, each of us scattered across this large battlefield." Continuing his climb, he kept thinking and plotting, completely unaware of any other movement on the hill.
"Alright. Getting to a headquarters would probably put me in the best position to find the others. So, the first order of business is to find one of the armies."

Tex Maxwell and four of his squadmates climbed down the hill to find out what had landed. To their surprise, they saw a small green cube climbing the hill and speaking to itself.
"What is that? Could it be a weapon sent to us as help? It is green... Is it a foe or not?"
Tex held up his hand to silence his fellow soldiers.
"If it was from HQ, it wouldn't have come from the blue encampment. It must be a blue trick. On three we move out and take it prisoner. "
Holding out his hands and counting up to three, Tex led the lead as the the five soldiers quickly surrounded the Plazmuth with their guns aimed squarely at his center.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Two: The Great Battlefield) - by Solaris - 05-28-2011, 03:05 PM