Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat)
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

As Velobo fell through the cavern, he noticed the various creatures perched all around, deeper within. One such creature, with bat wings and a scorpion tail, launched itself at the Plazmuth. He quickly launched his tongue forward, clinging to a crystal, and he immediately retracted, launching him over the beast. He perched himself for only a moment, looking for his lost weapon.
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At the same moment, Tengeri was in a less urgent predicament. As a result of controlling the water around her, she fell at a slower rate than her cubiod companion, and as a result, she had lost sight of him. She knocked away the beasts with the abundance of water that was in the previously collapsed lake. She nosedived down through the caverns, hoping to catch him before he reached the floor.

Velobo had so far dodged three creatures, jumped on four, and with his tongue clinged on to and around another five. All in hopes of reaching his beloved shocking stick.

“Almost there...” He thought to himself, eager to receive his weapon once more.

The rod had landed somewhat safely on one of the larger crystals that most assuredly led to somewhere else in this insane and nonsensical labyrinth that someone called a lab. He jumped up and launched his tongue at the crystal, prepared to taste the shiny and salty exterior, but a blur descended down at the last moment and Velobo tasted a group of watery scales.

“Engwi?” As he realized what had occurred, he made a small frown, thinking back on the mighty steed he had lost moments ago. He retracted his tongue and stayed relatively motionless inside the pocket of water that he had inadvertently entered, sad and a little peeved that the world had once more taken his prize right as it was within his reach.

Tengeri on the other hand was very content that she had been able to save her companion, even if he did look a little miffed. She would have asked him about it, had she not had to focus on the upcoming floor below. Tengeri slowed the two down with her bubble, which now consisted of a portion of the former lake. She gently set down Velobo who silently turned away from Tengeri.

As his multiple eyes looked around, he noticed that there were crystals, even down there. In addition, there were a few pools of water, slightly smaller than him, scattered around the crystal floor. He tilted his head up to where they had fallen from and saw only darkness. That is, until he saw a flock of monsters descend from the darkness. His eyes were only on one in specific though.

“My stick.” He stared at the creature, one with colorful wings and a prehensile tail that currently held his rod. Velobo only had one thought on his mind, and he began to formulate a plan to get it back.

Tengeri would launch Velobo up in a plume of water, at which point, he would lock his tongue onto the monster with his rod. He would then beat up the creature with his metal band, revolt against this Fool character, get out of here, and then save his entire race. It would be glorious, an epic, to go down in history, there would be whispers of Velobo Calidad, th-

As he was going off in his own world, one of the creatures dove, aiming directly for Velobo. Tengeri shot a burst from one of the pools knocking the beast away from the lost-in-thought Plazmuth. For good measure she sent a splash of water to Velobo’s face, returning him to the current situation.

"watch out"

Velobo sheepishly thanked Tengeri and then looked back at the storm of beasts above. “Alright then, here’s my idea...”</font>

Messages In This Thread
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat) - by Solaris - 02-18-2011, 05:54 PM