Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat)
Originally posted on MSPA by Valter.

So many scattered threads Kerak needed to chase, and yet all were escaping him. He needed to stop and reprioritize, and Murdoch's chicanery had finally opened up an opportunity to do so. Where was everybody right now?

Tasty: slipped away in all the fighting. He's probably crawling around the caves right now.
Meat Cube/Pangolin: busted up the... unity... thing... and just up and left! That's no way to crash a party.
Cephalo... squidthing? What is that?

"What are you?"



'Meipi'/bipede/engineer/me/Murdoch: present and accounted for.
Tengeri: fell into a hole in the ground.
Scofflaw: Vaporized!

That last one was a shame. How would he get Scofflaw's story now? Well, he could probably figure one out on his own. He'd have to think about that later-

"Wait a second. If Scofflaw's dead, does that mean we're going somewhere else? I was beginning to like it here..."

"Don't you worry about that. I've just sent him somewhere else for the time being. I didn't kill him."

"Oh." Kerak blinked. "Why not?"

"I- I have problems with murdering other sentients, Kerak. Didn't we go over this already? And didn't you want to talk to him anyway?"

"Well excuse me for not remembering all of your delicate sensibilities! Of course I don't want you to kill him, but if you've got him at your mercy like that you might as well go all the wa- eh? Where is everybody?"

Murdoch had evidently tired of Kerak's company as well.

He stood now on the roof of the Unity plant, or what remained of it. The general location of the generator was marked by where the roof had caved in, and if he squinted he could just barely make out Murdoch's glowing face through the opening. The earlier skirmish and walking and chasing and talking had quite tired him, though, and he now actually had a moment free to appreciate that fact. The battle could wait for now; the others would surely still be there to talk to after a quick rest.

His thoughts turned to the Chaos gathering on the horizon as he sat on the roof. What was it really? Besides an ineffable force of antagonism the contestants had been set against, of course; what had it done, and what was it doing?

It was responsible for nothing but creation! Creation and change, all of it certainly tangible, as the pork still resting in Kerak's belly could attest to. And from the looks of it, Murdoch's efforts had not completely erased its influence. Chaos was creeping back even as he watched.

A dark gleam lit Kerak's eye. He had been so disappointed when the generator had broken. So much effort toward a decent story, wasted. But it looked like something could be salvaged from this strange world yet! You just had to shift the protagonist... It wasn't about Unity restoring order to a treacherous world, it was about Chaos reclaiming its rightful domain from the suppressors! And to reach that end... the engineer and the magician simply had to go.


Messages In This Thread
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat) - by GBCE - 01-25-2011, 11:55 PM