Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat)
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Meanwhile, in the past.

The damp caverns below the facility quickly plunged into pure black, the glowing fungi from before now decidedly absent from the scene. The bright glow from Murdoch’s skin only lit so far, not enough to be massively useful at least; Tengeri had the sensors to effortlessly navigate the darkness of the caves, something Miles annoyingly lacked. “Hold on.”

Murdoch pulled his wand from seemingly nowhere, with a decisive flick, a bright fireball materialised in front of the pair lighting up the deep caverns below. Murdoch pointed his wand in multiple directions and the flame obediently followed the directions with a swiftness of a firework being set off. “There we go. Nice to shed some light on the situation!” He pulled his wand back and the miniature sun glided back towards the Magician, offering a generous amount of light.
Dr. Nyoka eyed Murdoch with suspicion; it was the first time she’d seen him do something that could be classed as dangerous, though she had suspected this from the start. “interesting phenomenon you wield there.”

Murdoch smiled to himself. “I take it you’ve never really seen magic before?”

“on the contrary, I have, not to such a broad extent however.”

Miles chuckled to himself “I don’t fully understand it myself really, all this should be rightfully impossible but it isn't. Still, how is it any different to the technology you have?”

“this technology is the fruit of the advancement of intelligence. It is something explainable at least.”

Another chuckle “You know a friend of a friend of a friend once told me that ‘any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic’. I wonder what he’s up too.” Murdoch walked forward, his floating flame banishing the darkness around him. “Let’s get out of here; we aren’t doing much good down here either way.”

The pair walked through the damp caves, for a while it was mostly silence, the only sound being the gentle sloshing of water from Tengeri’s field and the footsteps of the magicians feet. Eventually, Miles broke the silence again: “So why did you come and save me?”

“i was unaware i needed a reason to help a person in need.”

“…Good answer.”


Back in the present…

Murdoch pulled away from his duty of applying Unity to the generator and sagged a little,
Tengeri turned around from her repairs to address the the Magician and the generator becoming more chaotoic. “why have you stopped?”
“Sorry, it’s just a little tiring doing this all the time; I need a bit of a break.”

The Leviath rolled her eyes, “Make it quick.”

What Miles said was mostly a lie. Maintaining the Unity beam was barely tiring at all, he could have done it in his sleep. Murdoch knew that he had barely shown his true potential to anyone in this sick ‘competition’ yet, he could effortlessly bring forth a cataclysmic magic firestorm to this entire facility, completely annihilating, nay, erasing everything in a five mile radius, and the only thing stopping it was Miles own self applied morals.

And that’s why he stopped, the monotony of maintaining this beam made the glowing man’s mine wander into territory he would usually avoid. Thoughts such as ‘I could reveal the dark secrets of the universe to that dinosaur and obliterate his mind’ or ‘I could slice the wind through Dr Nyoka’s skull so fast she wouldn’t realise it for a good 30 seconds or so’. It’s these kinds of thoughts that terrify Murdoch; these kinds of thought make him regret the decisions he made so a go.

These thought reminded him of his Wife, the murders, the Veil, her.

Miles shuck his head violently in an effort to remove them out of his head,
Tengeri glanced over again, a little more worried about the Magician’s actions than before. “You’re ok right?”

Murdoch looked over at the floating words in front of Tengeri. He so desperately just wanted to tell her everything and everything about him is a lie and how he so wished he could just forget it all and how he so very wish that insufferable bitch would die.

But he refrained, he couldn’t, it was too soon, he was too scared. Instead he sorted out the cuffs of his shirt and gave a cheery “Sorry about that!” He pointed again to the Generator with his wand and reassumed his Unity beam shooting duty. “Won’t happen again.”

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Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat) - by GBCE - 01-09-2011, 08:40 PM