Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat)
Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

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To his credit, Huebert barely responded to the enormous biologically-unlikely creature bursting into the hallway; "barely responded", of course, to someone like Huebert meant "drew his rifle, ready to unload several blasts directly into the beast's face without blinking". The only thing that saved Velobo's bizarre mount from death by reflex was the plazmuth's obvious control over it as well as his cocky declarations.

TinTen, despite being no stranger to combat or indeed big-game hunting, was not at his core as unflappable as his friend. In a riot of flailing tentacles trying to gain purchase, he toppled over backwards, succeeding not in preventing himself from falling so much as making his fall as long and undignified as possible. Adding to what might already have been a humorous-holovid-worthy accident in more peaceful circumstances was the Meipi's book bouncing up repeatedly as he tried to near-literally juggle his equipment, book, and self through the fall. The end result was a thoroughly-disgruntled scientist laying in an graceless heap on the floor, and possibly some less-than-favorable first impressions.

Huebert absentmindedly offered the end of his carbine for TinTen to pull himself up on while staring thoughtfully at Velobo and the slathering tigerworm. "C'n see that," he mused. From behind him, there came the sounds of suckers popping off of smooth surfaces and a frustrated grunt or two.

"Am TinTen Naamxe. Am on the floor."

"I can see that as well," came the mild response. It was difficult to read an expression that was so spread out across the body, but if the cuboid was amused, it was doing a good job of hiding it. "My apologies for startling you; I was simply testing my new steed's capabilities." If anything, at this point, Velobo was affecting an air of sheepishness, apparently genuinely embarrassed about leaping out at the pair.

There were several beats of awkward silence following the apology; Huebert had nothing in particular to say or do, and Velobo was occupied controlling the tigerworm. The only sounds were the writhing of the aforementioned chaosbeast and rifling of pages from about knee-level. After the pause had gone on for several seconds too long with no signs of breaking, Huebert holstered his weapon and began humming tunelessly and Velobo gave a passable impression of a cough.
"This may seem a bit unprompted or sudden, but–"

"Wise. I accept. Presume Huebert agrees."

Several of the plazmuth's eyes narrowed at this point, visibly surprised. He shifted his weight backwards slightly, causing the Tigerworm to rear and several mosre loud seconds passed before he could ask for clarification.
"I, uh... What? Accept what now? I didn't say anything."

TinTen's book snapped shut, and the squiddy man righted finally himself. He tapped the cover of his book a time or two before slipping it back under his coat. "Believe third cycle of Gon Tun in effect. Group triumph over superior force. Presume offer of teamwork. Incorrect?"

Calidad tapped his braces thoughtfully for a few moments as the scientist once again mounted the plasma cannon.
"No, you're right, it's just a bit unsettling being preempted like that. I'd very much appreciate your cooperation, and Huebert's."

The barbarian grinned and rolled his eyes, conspiratorially stage-whispering "He does this all the time. Either there's something to this mumbo-jumbo of his, or he's even smarter than he lets on."

TinTen bristled at "mumbo-jumbo", but was used to his friend's ribbing by now. He ignored the jab and continued, "Excellent. However, problem: feline-annelid creature not conducive to short-term goals. Primarily mobility."

It was a good point; short of having the thing tear down walls and doors everywhere it went, probably sending ceilings crashing down with them, it would be very difficult for the tigerworm to navigate the hallways and rooms that made up most of the Unity Plant, setting aside those areas that had been tainted by Chaos.


Elsewhere, a group allied by more tenuous links and less focused on the long term sized up several large machines. A plan was agreed upon, and the group broke apart slightly to allow its constituents to play their part in the plan. One member raised a wand and sent a bolt of light at a generator; a noise (or more accurately, the sound heard during the cessation of a hitherto-omnipresent noise) filled the entire facility. What most would call reality began cautiously reasserting itself.


A tinny, electronic voice sounded from inside a lab coat's pocket. "Unity surge! Chaos dampening! 7.4 kkkkssclk–"; it faded out as order suffused the area, returning it to a simple nonsentient tool.

TinTen had made a good point; fortunately for all involved (or at least, fortunately for all from the scientist's perspective), Unity solved the problem for them. There was a pop, and Velobo landed on the ground, a kitten between his legs and judging from the rather mushy sensation beneath him an earthworm crushed underneath his bottom face. He stood up hurriedly as the kitten mewled, and both feline and annelid dissolved into sand and ultimately disappeared.

Velobo was secretly glad he'd been allowed to keep the hat, at least.


Messages In This Thread
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat) - by SleepingOrange - 01-09-2011, 06:42 AM