Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat)
Originally posted on MSPA by Valter.

The fiery one was looking particularly appetizing at the moment. What would be the best way to prepare him? Maybe a soup? Let some legumes soak up the meat's flavor, perhaps some plants for texture... That would be nice...

"we have returned. uneventful trip. see any others?"

"Had a bit of a run-in with Scofflaw. We didn't get hurt, but he escaped somehow. How'd you make it back?"

"Uh, I thought we were heading further down? How'd we get back up here in the facility?"

"the last shaft we descended repositioned us, murdoch. my sensors caught the change. how did scofflaw escape?"

"He just sank through the floor! There wasn't much I could do!"

"...Is Kerak okay?"

"I don't know! He's been staring at me ever since Scofflaw went away! And salivating."

...Maybe shred the meat, he looks a bit stringy, after all. Mix in some crushed berries... Ooh! Can't forget the bone marrow, that's always the best part. Maybe cook the bones over the meat so the marrow sinks in, I hate cracking the bones myself...

"Could we just ditch him? Please? He's clearly not looking out for our interests."

"he's just hungry. and apparently not bothered by the moral implications of eating other sentient beings." (If it is at all possible for text to be haughty, Dr. Tengeri accomplished that feat here.)

"Well, considering that we're the only food in the room right now, maybe we should just go."

"Uh, I could try conjuring some food up..."

"For goodness sake do it, then!"

...The organs are always too much effort to prepare, I say... I appreciate a good haggis just as much as anybody else, but you can't use meat from the same source you got the intestines from! It's just not done! ...Maybe if I used some of Shiny's meat with it... I've never had glowing food before, it probably tastes really good...

"Ack! He's looking at me now!"

"Just cast the spell!"

Murdoch gave a hasty wave of his wand, and a small duck materialized in front of Kerak.

"Is that really the best you could do?"

"Shut up! I panicked!"


Kerak dove forward instantly, snapped his teeth into the duck, shook it around a bit, and then threw it into the air and swallowed it in a single bite.

He fixated Murdoch with an intense glare. "More."

Several small livestock later (including a plump pig that wandered onto the scene bidden by the Chaos rather than Murdoch's magic), Kerak sat down with a satisfied thump. "Wow, that hit the spot! I didn't know you could make food appear! That must be very helpful."

"It does come in handy on occasion." Murdoch was still a bit put off by the carnivorous rampage he had just stood witness to.

"Well, I don't think wandering around or running away more will do us any good. Hasn't done much so far! Maybe we should fix the good stuff. The stuff that makes the bad stuff not happen? Murdoch had a good stuff beam making wand?"


"Yeah, that! Shouldn't we be fixing the rock that makes that? That would make for a very nice story."

"...what do you suggest?"

Kerak shrugged. "I fix people, not rocks. Isn't rock fixing more your department? What do you suggest?"

Tengeri felt abruptly contemplative, despite Kerak's abrasive manner. "if murdoch can keep the generator stabilized long enough, i could attempt repairs. the other contestants are preoccupied, but we cannot expect that to hold true for long. you and tor will need to protect us as we work."

"That was a very filling meal, but I suppose I could find room for our enemies if I were pressed," Kerak said with a toothsome, blood-stained smile. "Let's go end this chaos mumbo-jumbo for good!"

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Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat) - by GBCE - 01-04-2011, 11:52 PM