Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat)
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

“…And that’s about that.” Murdoch finished his tale, which brought his usual cheery mood to an all time low. He shook his head from the stupor of depression and smiled, resolving not be bogged down by his past. “Of course though, that wasn’t the end, it was 423 years ago since I left The Veil for the Cosmos. Since then, I’ve had quite the fair bit of adventures!”

“You’re 423 years old?!” The dinosaur could barely comprehend something living to the age of a hundred, let alone over four hundred. “How are you alive?”

“470 actually.” The Magician smiled to himself, as if his grand age should be something to be proud of. “And it’s sort of an added benefit to being a Varalica. Can’t die from old age. Though whether that’s a bad thing or a good thing really depends on your point of view.”

Kerak tilted his head slightly, reflecting on the background of Murdoch’s life. “So, how did you kill all your victims?” Murdoch was taken aback by the odd question, “Err…with a knife I guess?” The Deinonychus continued, “Not to mention, how you were not caught by anyone during your killing spree? Why did you decide to literally do nothing for fifteen years? How come no other of these ‘things’ were mentioned in the story?”

Miles shuffled uncomfortably as he tried desperately to not be a part of the conversation “I-I don’t know, because I was good at it? Can we talk about something else please?”

“It’s not my fault your story is not up to put! You need to get these details over in your story if want to avoid these questions. I think you’ll find my life story a perfect example of a good tale delivered fantastically, if you excuse the brag.”

Murdoch checked round the corner to see if Tor and Tengeri were anywhere near them. “Well you’ll excuse if I am not the perfect storyteller that you are Kerak, but I’d appreciate it if you would refrain from asking me about my traumatic past, okay?” a bitterness crept into the tone of the Magician’s voice that was not heard before now. Kerak decided to keep quiet for a little while, after hearing Murdoch’s past he didn’t want to test what he’d be like when angry.

The Doctor and Telpori Hal then came round the corner, looking a lot more tired than they should have been. “Where were you guys? You weren’t that far behind.” Tor explained, gasping for air between each couple of syllables: “Chaos things…took a detour…a lot of running…too much running.” Dr. Tengeri Nyoka on the other hand didn’t look tired at all, though she was seemingly missing some volume of water now.

“Well, alright.” Murdoch spoke as he began walking ahead of the group. “I don’t think we need to be running anymore, it’s not like anything is actively chasing ussaaaaaaaAAAAGH!” While stepping forward, the Magician simply caved through the floor, as if the floor spontaneously decided to be as thick as a Crackerbread. The dinosaur, Telpori-hal and Leviath all gazed down the bottomless pit in confusion as the darkness seemingly engulfed the glowing man whole.

“…He’ll be fine.”

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Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat) - by GBCE - 01-03-2011, 08:57 PM