Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat)
Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Velobo had descended down in the newly formed hole. He examined the room, and noticed a large machine with energy emanating from it. He stared at it, for a reason he did not know. It was beautiful, and he could not look away. He had found the Main Generator of the facility and he was enthralled by it. With two of his eyes, anyway; his hind eye was focusing on something else, a door that was open and that looked different. It was unlike the metal corridors of the lab: it seemed more bright and brown, and so Velobo walked toward the door, snapping out of the generator’s spell.
When he entered the room, he felt energy unlike those in the other rooms.

“This room is... impossible.”

From the outside, it was just another room, but when he entered, he was suddenly in the middle of a desert. He walked around, and saw the familiar metal walls, but he was still confused by the sharp rise in temperature and the sand. Before he could collect his thoughts, he heard a deafening roar.

“What was that?”

He turned to the source of the sound, and saw some of the sand shift. A column of sand began to creep closer and closer to him. Just before it reached him, he jumped to the side as the head of a tiger rose from the sand. However, that was not all there was to this creature: as it continued its ascent from the sand, a contrasting brown tubelike body rose up as the creature let out another roar. It was only then that Velobo noticed the stylish brown, high-crowned, wide-brimmed hat on top of the tiger head. Now standing like a snake ready to strike, the Tiger-Worm let out another roar and dove it’s head down toward the Plazmuth.

“Okay, there is no way that some slapping is going to take this thing down,” he said as he dodged the incoming monster. As the creature burrowed into the sand once more, Velobo looked around the room with his five eyes, hoping to find something that could aid him in his assault. It was of course only now that a sign with the words “WEAPONS” made itself obvious, by flashing and making noise. Velobo had nothing to say on the matter.
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Meanwhile, the only pair entered in the battle, TinTin and Huebert, had continued their ascent up the staircase as they heard the roars of the Tiger-Worm coming from the adjacent room. Not a pair for brash action, and seeing no point in investigating, they continue their ascent.

Back in the desert room, Velobo had reached the weapons closet after some close calls with the beast, and opened it to find a rod and rope. The rod was black and metal, except for the white, rubbery handle. The rope was seemingly normal brown rope.

He yelled out a medley of curses as he examined these so called weapons. “These are all of the weapons? Some stick and a rope? How does this help me fight this giant worm thing?”

The Tiger-Worm let out another roar as it once again lunged at the Plazmuth. Reacting quickly, he grabbed the stick, dodged the monster, and then launched his tongue at the creature.

“Well, it’s better than nothing.” He thought aloud as he closed in on the Tiger-Worm and prepared to attack it. It let out its loudest roar yet, this one in pain, as the rod electrocuted it.
“Okay, maybe I spoke a bit too soon.”

The Tiger-Worm panicked and began to swerve from side to side in an attempt of removing the cuboid on top of it. The Plazmuth saliva held, and Velobo stayed on top of the creature. He continued to hit the monster with the rod and hold on to the creature. The Tiger-Worm began to grow desperate. Its roars became closer to yelps and it began to slam into the wall injuring itself in the process. Velobo slowly climbed up to the Tiger-Worms head and grabbed onto its whiskers. He pulled up on them, causing the Tiger-Worm to follow suit, and then he wacked it’s skull with the rod. The Tiger-Worm collapsed to the floor and the Plazmuth breathed another sigh of relief.

“Hmmm,” he murmured some thoughts to himself and grew sly smile as he returned to the weapons closet and grabbed the rope. He quickly ran back to the unconscious Tiger-Worm and tied the monster with the rope and got on top of its head. “Hmm, I feel like something is missing... ” He noticed the hat that had fallen when the Tiger-Worm collapsed and he grabbed it and placed it on top of his head. He returned to the creature, and then he hit it with the rod. The creature roared as it was shocked back into consciousness, now tied up and in the Cubiod’s control.

He turned his mount to face a wall, said “Charge,” and with a whack from the rod, the Worm smashed through the wall. And into the company of TinTen and Huebert.
Upon seeing the cube riding the Tiger-Worm, the two prepared themselves before Velobo spoke, “Whoa there, whoa.” He put up a cocky grin to the pair, feeling triumphant. “Let me introduce myself, I am Velobo Calidad, and I am on a Tiger-Worm.”</font>

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Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat) - by Solaris - 01-03-2011, 07:52 PM