Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat)
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

“PLaaYY wiiiIIth MEEee! I KNNOWWw aLL the SPortorrOrts!”

And indeed said platypus may have well known ‘all the sports’, but the fact of the matter was appearing from nowhere, chainsaw in hand is one of the best ways to alienate people. “Stall that, I have a plan.” Murdoch sauntered towards one of the many pieces of barrier projection equipment, wand in hand.

The trio didn’t know what Miles expected when he said ‘stall that’. A person who periodically bursts in to flames, a flying sea serpent with below average communication skills and a small shaman dinosaur. They were hardly The Three Musketeers, let’s put it like that. Rather conveniently though, platypuses aren’t known for there ability to wield heavy power tools, or there speed. rather inconveniently, this platypus was massive.

What the Magician was doing didn’t appear very scientific; rather he was simply stabbing at the innards of the nonsensical machine and hoping that what he wanted to happen actually happened. Murdoch even gave some fake murmuring and examining to really seal the deal that he appeared to know what he was doing.

Before the trio could be crushed under foot, accompanied with a chorus of screams and pain, a bolt of light struck the large mammal straight between the eyes, whisking it away from the existence it was currently occupying. Murdoch stood, wand araised and a rather smug smile on his face.

"I’ve took a carbon copy of the frequency that the Unity is being distributed in, using this I think I’ve found the metaphysical data which compromises the Unity in existence. Using this data as a template and using my own magic as a sort of omni-fuel to power it, I can offer a portable outlet for order to be displaced into the dimension.”

Murdoch demonstrated his absurd and probably made up thesis by firing a bolt of light from his wand, straight into a dustbin that had the temerity to grow tentacles and dance the Macarena in the distance. Upon impact the garbage can returned to normality, Unity forced onto it like a like a pushy mother trying to get her children to eat vegetables. “Layman’s terms: I can shoot Unity lasers now.”

The good Doctor reassembled some water to communicate once more: “main generator inside, forcibly apply unity to system, might fix.”

“Wait. No. Stop.” Kerak injected into the conversation demanding answers. “How is the bipedal light…thing, shoot them light things? Furthermore how do we know that will fix the problem? For all we know he could be setting us up!”

“A good Magician never reveals his best tricks! Besides, it’s really complicated and involves the manipulation of quantum foam and energies that only exist hypothetically in different dimensions. It doesn’t make sense basically.”

“I don’t think he’s setting us up, he’s harmless.”

Murdoch rolled his eyes “Yes, also that.”

Another sound echoed behind the group, the telltale sound of Unity getting weaker as the grand splinter grew larger.

“I have map, know where main generator is, follow.”

“Well you read the good doctor, lets get out of here before things get more chaotic than they should be.”

The group all followed Tengeri back into the facility. She was confident that her map would show her the way, a map that showed a lattice of impossible corridors and warping locales but a map nonetheless.

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Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat) - by GBCE - 01-01-2011, 04:12 PM