Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat)
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

For a few moments, Tengeri observed Scofflaw on her map, prepared to abscond once more if he were to ascend the stairs. He did not, and swiftly passed out of range. The sea serpent breathed a sigh of relief as Kerak spoke up.

"So how exactly did you know he was coming? Why'd we run away so quickly? And what just happened with those stairs?"

Tengeri seperated out a decent volume of water and began again the painstaking process of reverse sky-writing. "these devices again. very advanced, hard to explain. eyes tell me many things. making map of building, analyzing 'chaos' and 'unity' fields. chaos likely affected stairs earlier. scofflaw determined to be biggest threat, was avoiding confrontation."

"I see... What are your eyes telling you?"

"analysis almost done. hang on."

The progress meter in the top right-hand corner of the display reached 100%, immediately pulling up scan results. "Analysis complete: 'Chaos'. Identified as a field of an unknown nature which rewrites reality, making use of another, unidentified energy. Insufficient data to provide proper analysis; effects of the field are essentially random. Slowly leaking into facility due to faults in 'Unity Barrier'. Data stored under infodoc GB-M-003.

Analysis complete: 'Unity'. Identified as a field of an unknown nature which rewrites reality using an unidentified energy, similar to 'Chaos' (see infodoc GB-M-003). 'Unity' differs in that it attempts to achieve normality, as seen within the facility. Much less prevalent than 'Chaos'. Data stored under infodoc GB-M-004.

Analysis complete: 'Unity Barrier'. Shield of unknown composition surrounding facility, protects 'Unity' (see infodoc GB-M-004) within and repels 'Chaos' (see infodoc GB-M-003). Barrier around facility is slowly failing due to faults in 'Unity Generator' (see infodoc GB-M-002). Barrier estimated to fall within a few hours; small holes opening periodically."

Tengeri dispelled the display and resumed writing. "unable to fully analyze nature of 'chaos' and 'unity'. chaos is overpowering unity; shield is breaking. abnormalities caused by chaos. need to move on, find method of repairing barrier if possible."

"Okay. Any idea how we'll do that?"

"various computer systems in building. devices which store information. may be good idea to build alliances with others - higher chance of survival. air-writing difficult; will only communicate sparingly until better method is devised."

"Just what I was thinking. You lead the way, Bird-Snake."

"name's tengeri nyoka; doesn't much matter though. follow me."

Tengeri began rapidly swimming down the hallway. This floor was mostly comprised of three large laboratories - two across from each other on the sides and one large one in the center. She drifted up the stairs, all the while mentally berating herself.Dammit. Why didn't I think to get the speech synthesizers installed? Sure, the damage would've been healed too soon for it to matter. Would've still provided decent testing, and would've avoided... this. I got implants intended primarily for the Non-Telekinetics, useful as they may end up being regardless, but not something as simple as speech. That would be much too easy.

Tengeri stopped at the top of the stairs, back on the floor she had started on. Kerak strode out ahead of her and peered inquisitively around the corner, down the length of the hallway. "There's a big hole in the floor over here, but not much el-" Kerak fell to the ground as he was hit in the face by a cream pie, originating from seemingly nowhere. Tengeri cautiously looked around the corner as well, diving to the ground at the last second to avoid a second one. She turned around to face the dinosaur, only to be hit in the face by the same pie that she had just avoided. Laughter erupted from an unseen audience, silencing shortly thereafter as Tengeri painstakingly seperated the gooey confection from her waterfield.

"The sooner we can fix this thing, the better."

Tengeri rose into the air and silently continued on her way, quickly coming to a ladder below a hatch in the ceiling, labeled "Roof Access". Sensors indicated that a large amount of machinery was located on the roof - perhaps some light could be shed on the utter confusion of the locale. A well-timed burst of water threw the door into the air, after which Tengeri effortlessly floated through the hole (tight fit as it was). The destruction of the hatch had certainly attracted some attention - the magician and the Telpori-Hal gazed in surprise at the new arrival.

"It seems we have visitors, Mr. Kajan!" the overly enthusiastic magician exclaimed. Tor warily looked on, hoping that things weren't about to go horribly wrong this early on. Tengeri approached slowly, attempting to look as non-aggressive as possible for a rather large sea serpent. Might as well try diplomacy before things get bad.

"i'm tengeri nyoka, this is kerak. mean no harm, looking for allies against this 'fool'. no intention of playing this 'game'."

"Murdoch Miles! Nice to see that not everyone wants us dead in a battle to the death, eh? Pleased to meet you!" Murdoch looked as if he was about to hold out his hand to Dr. Nyoka before immediately realizing how foolish it was.

"...Tor Kajan," the Telpori-Hal replied. "I guess that-" Tor was interrupted by a violent rumbling and a crash from behind. The rift in the barrier had widened further, and a large mustached platypus wearing a monocle and wielding a chainsaw had popped into existence.


Messages In This Thread
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat) - by Anomaly - 01-01-2011, 12:24 AM