Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat)
Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

Miles continued to wander round the labyrinthine corridors of the facility, his pace steadily slowing at the monotony of the place. Which would seem odd due to the chaotic nature of the world he was in but lets face it once you’ve seen one duck in a tuxedo selling Harvey Wallbangers you’ve seen them all. It was that moment that Murdoch came across a very plain door, which might not seem that amazing to a normal man but then again, Murdoch wasn’t normal, nor was he a man.

“Alright, this will do, this will do nicely!” He pulled his wand from seemingly no where and began tapping the door as if inspecting it. He took a sip of the orange concoction he just so happened to purchase from a finely dressed member of the Anatidae family and grasped the handle of the door. “Alright, door! Take me somewhere interesting!”

Now the door did say ‘janitors closet, keep out!” but it did not lead to the janitors closet, rather, it led to an empty changing room of sorts. Clothes spilled out as Murdoch stumbled through, unfortunately this was not under his definition of ‘interesting’. “Let’s try that again, shall we?” He went through the closet, back into the hallway, closed the door, had a little mini prayer to no one in particular and opened the door again.

This time into an empty elevator shaft. The Magician clung onto the door handle for dear life as he dangled perilously above the seemingly bottomless pit. “Ok, that’s pretty life threatening and terrifying!” He managed to get a foot back into the door frame and into the safety of the grey corridor. “I swear to god the guy I learnt this from, what’s his name, James Brackels? Anyway, he will be getting some stern words from me!” He closed the door again, thinking maybe using the door the conventional way might have been a better use of his time. Then again that would have been terribly boring.

“Third time’s the charm.” He walked through the door again, this time ending up on the roof of the facility.

Tor, who had began sitting and admiring the bizarre spectacle that was beyond the unity barrier snapped his head round to see the glowing man walk through. Part of him started panicking a little for his life while the other part was disappointed that he couldn’t be alone for a little longer up here. It was, in a very, very odd way, kind of peaceful.

“Hey, it actually worked! Got to start using that phrase more, can turn out to be quite useful!” Tor thought the Murdoch was talking to him; in fact he hadn’t noticed the Telpori-Hal yet and was, as usual, talking to himself. “Now that is quite the view! I think single colour suns are over-rated, really brings out the beauty in the landscape when the sun is cycling through every colour of the rainbow, and then some. Kind of reminds me of LCD. Except for the, you know, thinking spiders are crawling up your arm part…and then chopping off your own arm in fear part…Yeah it’s nothing like LCD, what do you think?”

Tor was caught off guard by the Magicians acknowledgement of his existence and stumbled a bit over his words. “I…well eh- I’m sorry were you talking to me?”

“I was talking to both of us actually. Mostly me though but hey if you want to join in the conversation then be my guest!”

Tor sort of gave Murdoch an accusing stare as he began to judge whether this glowing man was insane or not. “You’re…the guy who doesn’t kill people?”

“Why yes, that is a pretty accurate statement of me.”

“The guy who ‘performed terrible deeds’ to get power?”

“…Yes that I did. I was…kind of hoping you didn’t hear that part. Anyway let’s ignore that for now!” Murdoch made his way towards the Telpori-Hal, who began nervously backing off a little. Before it could turn into an outright run for his life, Murdoch grabbed his hand and shook it. “Murdoch Miles; pleased to make your acquaintance!”

Tor noticed the warm, tingling sensation from Murdoch’s neon hand and gave a nervous smile. “T-Tor, Tor Kajan.”

“Jolly good!” Murdoch smiled and walked towards the edge of the roof, “It’s nice to know there’s at least someone one person who’s willing to give hospitality a chance, can you believe that we got whisked away by that Fool? Not even a semblance of warning! Chivalry is dead I tell you.” Murdoch finished his drink, which somehow had remained completely un-spilled and tossed the glass away. “Still! At least things are relatively sane in here!”

And that is when the Unity barrier cracked. Something that both Tor and Murdoch Miles noticed at the same time. “Well now, that is probably a bad thing.”


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Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat) - by GBCE - 12-30-2010, 03:51 PM