Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)

Grand Battle S3G1! (Round Four: City of the Dead)
Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat)
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

Tengeri's scanner flashed more and more information to her as the scans encompassed more of the environment. Her map became more and more detailed, revealing various laboratories and offices throughout the facility. Of the facility's several floors (the device estimated that there were at least four), Tengeri was pinpointed on the top level. The main walkway was sandwiched between two layers of rooms, ranging in size from closets to large laboratories. Two staircases were located on each side in the center, and the ends on each side opened into larger rooms. Maybe if I just hid, I could survive this without having to worry. Surely they wouldn't be able to comb every inch of the building for me. At the very least I should look for a source of water. Tengeri looked again at her vital statistics, noting that her "Water" gauge was scarcely at 24%. She swam through the large hallway, scanning each room for traces of the suddenly-scarce liquid, and, after several minutes, she discovered an abnormally large amount behind a door labeled "custodial closet". There was even water leaking out from under the door, as well as dripping from the sides.

Tengeri turned the unusual lever-like mechanism which appeared to be holding the door shut. Immediately, the door burst open and out of Tengeri's control, pushed away by a large stream of water which had for some reason filled the otherwise nondescript closet. Several large trout leapt from the water and gleefully slapped Dr. Nyoka across the face while singing a musical number about friendship. The scientist could only stare, jaw hanging open at this impossible - and impossibly silly - turn of events. After the show tune stopped reverberating through the halls, Tengeri shook herself back into lucidity and turned her attention to the very wet hallway. In an instant, the telekinetic enhancement module whirred to life, growing to almost cacophonous levels as it extracted all traces of water from the saturated carpeting. As Tengeri's stores rose to above 50%, a depth of just over a foot, she shut off the extraction procedure. A scream arose as the wet carpet burst into flames before that section of the floor spontaneously disintegrated. ...What just happened? Need to move onward before another exploding non-sequitur.

Tengeri approached one of the large rooms opposite the stairs, and found the door to be, of course, locked. I could always break through with... that... but I'd rather not use it untested. Not yet. ...Hate to use up water either, but I can probably recover it. Tengeri sighed (though it came out as another scratchy growl-like sound), then seperated a large volume of water from the main body. Moments later, the sphere of water compressed itself and fired violently at the doors, shattering the lock completely. Tengeri wasted no time in reclaiming what water she could from the precarious catwalk the door opened into. In the center of the room, stretching down to the ground far below, was a massive, mostly cylindrical machine. Scans revealed it to be a generator for some sort of unrecognized force field, no doubt the Unity Barrier the Fool had mentioned. The device was in dire need of maintenance: it was quickly falling apart, and would likely fail completely within hours. Tengeri shuddered at the resemblance to the failure that had severely disfigured her just a month earlier.

Tengeri's HUD flashed a warning to her, accompanied by audio (which had even been recorded in her own voice): "Lifesigns detected. GB-006 detected. Distance: 16.83 meters. GB-004 detected. Distance: 2.18 meters. Lifeforms indicated on map." The sauropod, this "Kerak", appeared to be racing around rather quickly two levels down. Tor Kajan, on the other hand, was apparently on the roof. The others were currently outside of her scanning range, however, thankfully including Scofflaw and other high-threat contestants. Might be my best chance to approach this guy. Given the circumstances it'd be best to ignore the usual directives for Class 3's. Tengeri cautiously swam over the edge of the catwalk, entering a freefall before splashing down mostly unharmed on a lower platform. Dr. Nyoka was, naturally, forced to repeat her high-pressure unlocking on the door, which was this time knocked from its hinges entirely.

Down the hall, Kerak froze at the sound of a metal door crashing into the opposite metal wall and clattering to the floor. Tengeri watched him sniff the air for a moment before he whipped around to face her directly. He gazed at her in surprise for a moment, before hailing her and approaching.

"Hello,, Bird Snake!" Tengeri gathered the water from the carpet with her module, then turned to face her addresser. The latter stopped and watched the former's activity in awe, before hastening his pace and approaching the rest of the way. "How did you do that?" He was clearly the excitable type. Tengeri growled in response, realizing that she would need a decent method of communication.

"Can you speak? Do you understand me?" Tengeri focused intently on manipulating her water field, forming the words "no and yes" in the air in front of her. "Ah, good, we can communicate. Now how did you do that water-thing, Bird Snake?" Tengeri focused further on her manipulation.

"complicated. partially natural, mostly with these devices."

Kerak eyed the multitude of metal plates covering large portions of her body. "Can you do anything else with them?"

"yes, but they mostly keep me alive. explosion, severe burns. almost died."

A warning flashed in Tengeri's HUD. "Warning: Level 6 threat approaching. Identified as GB-005, 'Saint Scofflaw'. Distance: 19.85 meters, ascending northern stairwell. Avoid confrontation if possible."

"scofflaw near. need safety. danger."

"How do you know that?"

"talk later. follow me." Tengeri returned the water to herself, then rapidly swam toward the southern stairwell. Kerak was barely able to keep pace as she ascended the staircase, staying as low as possible so as to allow the sauropod to follow. Unfortunately for the latter, the staircase turned without warning into a down escalator, accompanied by rather obnoxious elevator music. Noticing this, as well as Scofflaw drawing nearer, Tengeri swiftly turned back and enveloped the dinosaur in her waterfield. She then proceeded straight upward to the second-to-top floor of the building before dumping the gasping Deinonychus on the carpet.

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Re: Grand Battle S3G1! (Round One: Vio Maleficat) - by Anomaly - 12-30-2010, 12:27 AM