Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime

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Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime
RE: Pete the Peasant's Alphabet Funtime (TWS)
(12-29-2011, 02:51 AM)AgentBlue Wrote: »See if you can Find the Jailer!

Oh, and that's another thing. Where's the jailer? Are we not being watched?

"I can answer that question, and the other one about who I am, at the same time. Jack the Jailer, at your service."

You're the jailer? But you're in a cell?

"Yes, well. The Inquisitor didn't appreciate it when I asked to see proof that your arrest was on the King's orders, and now here I am."

Oh. Does, er, does the King often check who's in the dungeon?

"Ha! Not hardly, I doubt he'd care if we threw the whole kingdom in here. But I take pride in my job. I do it properly. Seems Ichabod didn't appreciate that, though."

And he just locked you in your own cell?

"Yep. Called some knights over, they grabbed my keys and threw me in here. Shame, too. 'Twas a nice keyring."

You don't say.

"I saved up my pay for a bit and had the blacksmith make a special tag with a J on it."

A jay? As in, a bird?

"No, it's one of those letter things. I don't know a lot of 'em, but that one stands for Jailer. Thought it looked nice."

So that means J is for Jailer!

You have taught the children about the letter J!
10/26 letters taught!

"Yeah, it is. What's the big fuss?"

Oh, the King asked me to gather letters or he'd throw me in the dungeon.

"The dungeon you're in right now?"

Well, yes, presumably. I think he mentioned something about a Terence the Torturer.

"Oh, yes. I imagine one of the knights will be along to take you to him in a minute. Normally that would be my job, but I'm not exactly in a position to at the moment."

Oh, yes. I think I hear footsteps headed this way, in fact.

Oh dear. This could be a problem. What should I do?

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