The Grand Battle II! [Happy End!]

The Grand Battle II! [Happy End!]
Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 1: The Labyrinth Field!]
Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.

Will you continue to let that golem look down on you like that? Does he not know what you're capable of?

...Whats this?... Samuel?...Are you dead?

You are pitiful, Samuel. Luxury has made you weak. Allow me to remind you where your strength truly lies.

The Sunset lowered it's massive rifle. The Karmist's demolished form crumpled over in a smoldering pile of gore. From the bloody heap the dark smell of rot and decay arose and permeated through the garden. The balancer knew beings of Samuel's type exude such a stench after death, but it normally took days for the scent to become so overpowering. The Sunset turned to investigate the matter.

Before The Sunset, the mutilated corpse of Samuel Therion stood knees bent, back hunched over. Some dark ethereal force swirled about the gaping hole in the creature's chest. Blood poured out haphazardly, forming a pool of deep red at the base of the resurrected corpse. The lifeless eyes stared at the Balancer, and a lone hand rose in its direction.

Instinctively, The Sunset's machine gun launched a spray of bullets at the creature, the bits of shrapnel hissing when they punctured the beast's flesh. RATTA TATA RATTA TATA RATA The Balancer was not out of ammo. He had enough ammo stored up for week long firefights if needed. No something was wrong. The Sunset glanced down at his weapon. The gun appeared normal but failed to fire. Suddenly two pistons on the back of the suit pulled taught and The Sunset's head snapped upright. The massive arms locked to its side and the machine stood rigid, unable to move, forced to stare at the half-alive grinning corpse of the Karmist.

What disconcerted the Sunset more than his current immobility, more than the bloody visage before him, even more than the wretched stench engulfing him, was the increasing awareness that the secret value that only he knew of, the number that both counted the power left in his suit and his remaining days of existence, was decreasing. At first, only a few hours slipped past him but then days, weeks, months, all of this precious time began to drain from The Sunset. Not only this, but the repair function on his suit began to activate. Nothing on the Sunset, however, needed repairing. Then the Balancer noticed. The corpse of Samuel Therion was reforming.

Small pieces of flesh pulled themselves together. The crisp burns left from the electric blast faded away and the skin began to grow anew, creeping its way down the Karmist's body. Visible from the still gaping hole, the vaporized skeleton regrew upon itself, sinew and muscles winding their way around the bone like vines up a tree. The heart and lungs he had lost reappeared, first as small nubs of flesh, but they grew, expanding to reach their proper positions and size. The skin closed the once massive gap created by the Balancer's rifle, and Samuel stood upright once more, his arm outstretched towards The Sunset. An invisible dark force leached the life energy of the Sunset, forcing the machinery that runs off death to work for the man that wields death itself. The bullets lodged in Samuel's flesh worked their way out, landing on the ground with a harmless thud. The bruises and scrapes obtained from the schrotgolem's beating faded away as if they had never existed. Finally his suit, tattered and torn, began weaving itself back together. The loose threads intertwined perfectly, the wrinkles from traveling smoothed out, and buttons lost or opened reformed and buttoned once more.

Samuel Therion stood before The Sunset, fully healed, fully renewed. His white grin gleamed against his jet black suit.
"Well now, golem, " the word seethed with irreverence for the once mighty Balancer as if he was nothing more than disobedient slave, " I have made the choice much easier for you now. You now have one year left in your pitiful life. You could attempt to kill me once more and perish in that time or sooner. Or, and truly this is your only option, you can do as I say and aid me in obtaining the orbs."

Samuel continued, "They are in the center of the garden, where we left the man with that annoying cane and that...collection of rubbish. The orbs are not there physically, no their physical presence is in the other realm, but their spiritual presence lies in that area of the garden and that is what I need access to. Well then, what is your choice?", Samuel grinned, and then added "Oh and keep in mind that I am your only hope of regaining your life."

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