The Grand Battle II! [Happy End!]

The Grand Battle II! [Happy End!]
Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 1: The Labyrinth Field!]
Originally posted on MSPA by bobthepen.

So it seems the others have found their way into the garden before me. No matter.

Samuel had found what he needed. A tiny sphere had been sitting, sleeping apparently, alongside one of the walls. With this, it would only take a moment to transfer his consciousness to the true labyrinth field; however, he would first need to deal with the Ursian and his newfound magician friend. While the two men following him had proven useful during his search, he highly doubted their ability or desire to fully protect him should another contestant wish to interfere with his plan.

"Is that it?" Galus shouted gruffly "Did you find your doorway?"

Samuel smiled, "Indeed, Galus, this is the nexus of which I spoke; however, it seems that I will not be the first one to enter the garden. Several of the contestants have found their way into it before me. How they learned of it, I do not know."

"Sounds like you failed in your mission then. Couldn't keep them out."

"Unfortunately, that is the case. I hate to ask too much of you, but at this point, I desperately need your help." At this a wary expression covered Galus' face. Samuel continued, "At least one of the other contestants have entered the garden by mental projection. This means that their bodies still exist in this plane. If one tampered with them, it should disrupt their connection, thereby ejecting them from the garden."

"And you want us to do this for you? Why should we?"

Samuel's voice took on a more urgent tone. "Because I am unable to do this alone, and timing is critical. I am not asking you to put your lives on the line for a cause I am certain you do not believe in, but at the very least I need you leave now to investigate this for me."

"If it's all the same to you," Cabaret spoke up, "I'd much rather stay here, it's much more peaceful."
"True," said Galus, "I'm sorry Samuel but your crusade to save this place is not on my agenda."
"Yes, I'd much rather listen one of Galus' stories. Did you know he used to be a pilot?"
"I still am a pilot."
"Well, not technically, I mean you're not in a plane."
"Piloting is a part of life. You don't simply cease being a pilot once you leave your vessel."
"Well that's just silly, pilots can fly, and you certainly can't fly right now not with than scowl on your face you can't."

"Enough!" Samuel yelled at the two, and a foul stench spread about him. The grass at his feet withered further until it rotted into a cloud of dust which began to swirl about the Karmist, creating a dark nauseous fog that started to encroach on the field around him. Galus reached for his holster and a stiletto popped into the magician's hand. "I had truly wished to avoid resorting to these measures, but you two have left me no choice." The line of dying grass continued to spread outward from the Karmist's feet as the dark cloud rose higher, obscuring both Samuel and the orb he carried.

Inside the cloud, a transaction took place. You, nexus. You reside in both worlds, this one and the one I wish to visit. Your garden here disgusts me. I can feel it's untainted life pulsating all about me and yet where I currently stand I can do nothing about it. I wish to enter this garden in the same manner you do. Yet I know you cannot give up this ability easily. Therefore I shall give you something, something of which the very concept is so forlorn to you that you can not begin to comprehend its full worth. I shall give you release from the toils and tribulations of your existence. From you I shall take the burden known as life and with it your ability to enter your sacred realm. This is not an exchange you can avoid, nor will any protest serve your benefit. I suggest you take it with dignity.

A piercing scream ripped through the labyrinth field and a cry of agony coursed though the garden. Before Galus and Cabaret the cloud of smoke twisted warped about its center. It compressed itself into what appeared to be a dark seed, which then dropped into the ground below. Standing motionless before the seed stood Samuel, hands covered in ash, his body a ghostly pale. His face stared blankly ahead. His eyes appeared dark and hollow. On his forehead, sat an odd symbol. The orb was nowhere to be seen.


In the garden, Samuel saw for himself what the forces of Karma had told him. A vibrant world of beautiful colors and endless life. Flowers blossomed all about him. Birds chirped their morning songs and tiny critters skittered to and from their homes. A dark grin spread over Samuel's face as he echoed his earlier declaration. "Hello, you abominable living world. I have arrived to give you the death you so profoundly deserve."

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