The Wretched Rite - Round Three - DSRS Darwin

The Wretched Rite - Round Three - DSRS Darwin
Re: The Wretched Rite - Round One - The Rose Ring
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

After a long and awkward climb to the top of the tallest tower Alice and Addy emerged into a lavishly decorated bedroom. If there was one adjective that encapsulated the room it would be ‘red’. Deep red curtains were drawn across the windows, not entirely blocking out the light, but illuminating the room with a scarlet hue. Around the room crayon drawn pictures were pinned to the walls. They depicted a small red hooded girl and a shaggy haired humanoid in a grey jacket. The furniture was ornate and antique mahogany, though covered in the plastic paraphernalia typically found in the room of a small girl. The focal point of the room was an ornate four poster bed hung with red curtains, red sheets and crucially a small girl fast asleep. An out of place spinning wheel sat to one side of the room.

For Alice this room might well have been decorated with decomposing bodies or heaps of treasure; she was paying no attention to anything other than the bed and the 'princess' that lay upon it. She was Alice’s ticket out of here, if Adelaide was to be believed, which come to think of it was something that was getting more and more dubious by the second. Alice wouldn’t have been massively surprised if she was just being lead to the rusalka’s bedroom. The only thing that had convinced her it was not was the lack of water and the abundance of red.

“Tole ya’ climbin’ this tower wasn’ jus’ an excuse to stare at yer ass.” Addy said.

“Listen up, whatever the fuck your name was,” Alice replied, wheeling upon Addy to once again find her standing uncomfortably close. “I just want to get the fuck out of this crazy place.” Alice stepped hastily back, averting her eyes from the naked rusalka. Adelaide would be difficult to handle for any Tsote. Their standards of what was socially acceptable would have made the most prudish human look like a slut; Adelaide was all but incomprehensible to their sensibilities. It was not helped by the fact that nobody had shown the slightest interest in Alice in that way, up until she met Addy. Her ill-fate was to blame, as with most problems in her life. Nobody would even consider being with someone with such a distasteful destiny.

Alice strode towards the bed, pulling back the curtains and gazed down at the innocent girl who lay there. She slept in a crimson hood, her hair a vivid red, her skin milky white. Alice’s heart pounded within her chest. She’d read the pamphlets, she knew the consequences that kissing could have, but here she was expected to do it like it was a normal thing; an integral part of leaving this crazy place behind. “Does it have to be me?” she asked. “Couldn’t you just do it?”

“Yer really that desperate t’ get away from meh?” Adelaide whispered into Alice’s ear. Alice spun around and stared at the rusalka; at the way that her hair hugged her sopping wet body, at the way her pale skin glistened, so slick and smooth and tempting, at the way strands of hair hung around her face framing her dark eyes, at the hunger that lived in the depths of those grey-green chasms. “See somethin’ yeh like?” Adelaide smirked; a predatory smirk, that of the hunter who believes she has already caught her prey.

“Fuck it.” Alice muttered, leaning in and kissing the rusalka on her cold dead lips. Every part of her was telling her that this was a bad idea, that Adelaide was not going to want to cuddle up to her afterwards, that she was putting herself at great risk. She didn’t care; Adelaide was the first woman to ever look at her as though she were more than a piece of trash to be stepped over. Besides, she reasoned, she couldn’t die; fate would not allow it to happen. Why shouldn’t she enjoy herself just this once? Adelaide’s lips moved against her own, the rusalka’s soaking hands grasping her head and holding her close. For a moment it was as though her goal in life, finally realized, was to bring warmth to Adeliade’s cold cold body. Suddenly Alice was pushing Adelaide away.

“Yeh tease.” Adelaide teased. “Nobody ever told yer yeh shouldn’t lead a girl on like that?”

“Shut the fuck up.” Alice said, busily fumbling with her gloves. After a moment she managed to undo them, casting away the leather gloves without even a glance where they were going. Her hands now unbound she stepped back towards Adelaide and with the very tip of her lavender finger, brushed aside a curtain of hair that clung to her face. Their lips met again. Alice ran her hands through the Adelaide’s matted tangle of hair and down to the small of the rusalka’s back. Adelaide’s talonesque hands pulled at Alice’s heavy black coat, helping her out of it one arm at a time, before tossing it casually away. They pulled apart, out of necessity more than anything else. Alice did not waste time with words; she pulled her shirt over her head and discarded it.

"Fuck off Red" Addy said shoving the child off the side of the bed. "We need this more than you." She swept Alice off her feet, lowering her onto the soft mattress with a peck of a kiss. Alice kicked off her shoes and Addy removed her remaining clothing.


The narrator believed that perhaps it was time to turn her attention elsewhere.

What a mess didn’t even begin to cover the events that were taking place any more. Just when she had thought things couldn’t get much worse the ‘questing princes’ had abandoned their quest to wake the princess to fuck one another in her bed. This was ridiculous. This madness had to stop if she had to stop it herself. It was her curse, and at her behest it lifted itself. Across the town the sleeping awoke to see their town burning. The thick black thorns that had sprung up along the town’s borders wilted and died.

This was perhaps the biggest and most literal Deus Ex Machina the narrator had ever had to pull, and she hated it. From the pile in front of her she plucked a fresh piece of paper and started writing a brand new story: The Nine Intruding Bastards and the Pissed Off Narrator.


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Re: The Wretched Rite - Sign up today! - by GBCE - 07-05-2011, 04:18 PM
Re: The Wretched Rite - Sign up today! - by btp - 07-05-2011, 04:40 PM
Re: The Wretched Rite - Sign up today! - by GBCE - 07-05-2011, 09:02 PM
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