The Wretched Rite - Round Three - DSRS Darwin

The Wretched Rite - Round Three - DSRS Darwin
Re: The Wretched Rite - Round One - The Rose Ring
Originally posted on MSPA by Jacquerel.

Things had become very confusing for Alluvion in a very short amount of time. No sooner had he met not one but two other intelligent beings than they were leading him into a forest and then suddenly engaged in some sort of altercation with... something else. He could have sworn there was something he had been about to ask his new friends but he couldn't remember what it was. Thinking back, he hadn't actually been thinking too clearly since he'd entered the forest.

"Cut her open and fill her with stones... Yes, that's what you do to wolves", he found himself saying to quite some suprise from his brain. Was that even a wolf? It certainly wasn't exhibiting particularly wolf-like behaviour although he was only vaguely familiar with the animals from when they occasionally came down from their usual places to drink. And then when they came to drink... they fell in and the stones in their bellies drowned them? No, that had never happened...
While he wondered at what he was doing though, he was also striding slowly towards the pinned woman,
his liquid form rippling and lenghtening in odd ways. He was able to stride now for example, a long translucent pole was growing from between his fingers and some very strange flow lines around his mouth might have been some attempt at stubble.

This story had far too many characters in it and most of them still didn't have any proper roles. There was meant to be one wolf, one girl, one grandma and one woodcutter and only half the people here even knew what their jobs were. Well the singing mouse was far too small for any of the untaken positions and while the plant-thing had the requisite killing ability she'd be damned if she was going to cast a tree in the role of a woodcutter, so the final stranger would have to do. He wasn't particularly threatening either but he was at least the right size and had some sort of relevant natural knowledge. He also didn't seem to be putting up much of a fight which was honestly a bit of a relief after the rest of these miscreants had appeared and immediately started breaking plot threads all over the place with absolutely no regard to what she had been trying to set up. Now she only had the extra loose ends to tidy up, she appeared to have gained a second wolf from somewhere and honestly the first one had never been doing a particularly convincing job in the first place. Her new Wolf would be far more suitable which obviously left her original to take up the mantle of Grandma. There weren't any jobs left for either Poran or whatever that panther-tree thing was so she'd just have to get them out of the way. And preferably make sure they couldn't get back into it again.

Poran had experienced similar thoughts himself vis-a-vis hacking the woman open and filling her with stones but he'd stopped himself before acting on them, he hadn't pegged Alluvion on the type to take such an action either but then again he'd only known him for about five minutes and that seemed to be exactly what he was about to do "Erm... What are you doing? Stop? Please? I don't think she's- Alluvion absent mindedly flicked him out of the way with one hand. The blow didn't actually do all that much physically, this being because it came from a limb made entirely of liquid, but it did fill his mouth with water and coat his wings with heavy droplets, sending him tumbling to the grassy floor (every blade arranged in nice, even rows and completely free of dead leaves).
Alluvion was honestly very confused, for some reason he had decided he needed to kill this wolf who used to be in front of him but was now behind him in order to protect the girl that used to be the wolf who was attacking the other girl he needed to save (retcons can do terrible things to a man's mind) and so simply latched on to the most obvious things. He was a woodcutter, and in front of him was a tree. The tree was also perched on top of someone he was either supposed to kill or save, but it was a tree and he was a woodcutter.

M. though was not quite as slow to react. It had for some reason been filled with the strangest urge to whistle eerily in the breeze (even though there wasn't a breeze) or to climb into the basket of the oddly quiet girl with the sword (an even stranger idea, these apples would kill a walker if they tried to eat one) but these notions were easily dismissed as nonsense. It didn't really know what the river spirit was doing, but he was starting to look more and more like a walker and no tree could mistake what he was now holding in his right hand. Even a nature spirit that had manifested in a lab with the brain of a panther that had lived its life in a virtual forest free of human contact could recognise a lumberjack's wood-splitting axe.
M. pounced at the increasingly man-shaped Alluvion, flying straight through but shattering his human features into a ruin. The useless liquid axe collapsed back into a puddle and Alluvion stumbled backwards, away from the two women.

"It's about time that dirty thing got off, I mean really!", Fiorella cried as she started to pull herself to her feet, "It's just ruined this outfit, how do you even remove sap stains anyway?"
Her outburst was cut off by a somewhat unsympathetic Taelia who had sprung into motion the moment M was out of the way, grabbing Fiorella, pinning her against a tree and placing the point of her sword at the woman's throat.
"You tried to eat me. I am nobody's prey."

Wolf looked on somewhat nonplussed, this wasn't how it was supposed to go at all.

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