The Wretched Rite - Round Three - DSRS Darwin

The Wretched Rite - Round Three - DSRS Darwin
Re: The Wretched Rite - Round One - The Rose Ring
Originally posted on MSPA by ch00_bakka.

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The girl was running. Running from her. Why was the girl running? Fiorella wasn't going to hurt her. No, not hurt her. Just... Make friends. Yes. I want to make preypreyprey friends. She chased after Taelia, through the thick woods. The knife proved ineffective in cutting through the foliage, and Fiorella stuck it in the belt of the strange fur pants she was wearing. She tore at the branches with her hands, ignoring the scratches in her palms and the blisters on her bare feet as she chased after her new friend. No! Stop running! Stop prey running from chaseitkillit me! She tried to call out to Taelia, but the words came out as a snarl. No. She prey doesn't deserve to be killtheprey my friend. She's just prey! Fiorella ran into a gap in a line of bushes. The Wolf loped out.

Taelia was losing ground to the beast behind her. She could hear its snarls, the snapping of branches under its feet, and her own heavy breathing as she slowly tired. Her skin was scratched in innumerable places where the branches had grazed her, and her feet were sore from the rocks and fallen twigs biting into her skin. The Wolf had the advantage in this terrain. It was catching up. She would be its prey. That isn't fair. I was the guard. I'm supposed to be a warrior. Not the prey of some beast. I'm not going to flee like a weak little girl. I'm going to--

The Wolf tackled the Girl. It wanted to end this Hunt. It drew its knife, and stabbed it down towards Taelia, only to be deflected by her sword. Prey! Prey struggling! It slashed again with the knife claws, drawing blood on Taelia's forearm. The Girl screamed. Yes. Prey. Prey is dying. Before the Wolf could stab bite her again, Taelia stabbed it in the arm, and the Wolf leaped back. Prey has teeth! Prey is fighting! It howled at Taelia, and slashed with the knife again. The Girl jumped back, and the Wolf stumbled, slamming into a tree.

In an attic filled with books, a hand pauses. A new character must be added to the Story. The Hero. In this case, a simple woodsman.

But who should this be? Few of the contestants are eligible for the task. The mouse-creature has the correct heroic mindset -- but he would never be able to defeat the Wolf. The river and the plant-beast are strong enough to prevail -- but they are not heroes, and without a true Hero, this Story might as well remain untold.

A decision is made, and the hand begins moving furiously once again, to complete the tale.

Alluvion, M. and Poran were walking through the forest. The river was not sure how the had gotten there -- the had moved through some bushes on the hill and found themselves in this densely wooded area. M. seemed happy about it, at least. The nature spirit was much more at home in the woods than back in town. "It is much more peaceful out here, yes?" Alluvion asked his companions. "Very quiet. No people yelling at each other." The river spirit touched a tree, leaving a streak of water dripping down it. This forest almost reminded him of home.

M. was happy to be away from the artificial rock-piles that the Walkers lived in. It did not try to understand how the three had gotten out to the forest. It was enough that the were there. In the peace of untouched land. M. sank its roots into the ground, and relaxed, drifting off into a state best described as "sleep". Its peaceful slumber was interrupted by a loud growl from the depths of the forest.

When Poran heard the growl, he leapt up from his perch on M.'s back, and said to Alluvion, "That sounded like a fierce beast! As fierce as a Tropari even! We should be careful!" A scream followed shortly after. "That beast must have gotten ahold of someone! We must go save them!" Poran leapt onto M.'s head and shouted, "Go! Go!"

M. did not understand why the little rodent was so eager to help what was obviously just a Walker. But it ran through the forest towards the scream, as if possessed by the little Leskrin's fighting spirit. The two of them ran into a clearing, with Alluvion following closely behind. M. saw a Walker in a ridiculous costume attacking another Walker, both of them armed with the metal sticks they loved so much.

M. would have just let the Walkers fight, but it leapt into action when Poran shouted, "<font color="#00c957">No! Stop the beast from killing her! Please!
" Ot leaped over to where the two humans were fighting, and pounced on the Wolf to get it away from the Girl. The Wolf struggled in M.'s grasp, and tried to attack the plant with its knife, but M. managed to pin it to the ground. </font>

The Wolf struggled. This thing was holding it. Keeping it from its prey. What is this? Plant! Animal! Not prey. Hunter! The wolf bit into its captor's leg, and immediately spat out the sour wood. It was out of its element. It was scared and confused. This was the way the story was supposed to go, yes. But that didn't mean the Wolf was prepared for it.

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