The Wretched Rite - Round Three - DSRS Darwin

The Wretched Rite - Round Three - DSRS Darwin
Re: The Wretched Rite - Round One - The Rose Ring
Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

It was not long before Vera grew tired of waiting for someone to find her. She was sure that fate would provide but she had learned from experience that fate rarely provided on the schedule that you wanted it to. As far as she was concerned this was a fight she had been waiting for her whole life and she was impatient to get it started.

She was all ready to pick a direction at random and trust that fate would provide when from a couple of blocks away there was the noise of an explosion. Though her view was blocked she could see smoke billowing up from that direction. The dark plumes contrasting with the azure blue sky; it was a sign, practically an arrow pointing the way to her opponents.

A grin on her face, and a spring in her step Vera hurried along towards the site of the explosion, ready to meet her destiny.


Alice strode purposefully through the upper floors of the old asylum, shrugging off it's eerie emptiness with aplomb. It was only when she came to what she could only presume was some kind of nurse's station that she came to a stop.

There slumped over the table, was a large humanoid bird in a nurse's outfit and cap. Her plumage was a vibrant red. For a moment Alice presumed the bird lady dead, she spotted her chest rising and restfully falling and concluded that she was asleep. Still alive or not this bizarre creature was unlike anything Alice had ever encountered.

The Tsote as a species knew they were not alone in the world, they had a while ago encountered other species from other worlds, amongst them humans. Through these encounters they had learnt that not every species was monogendered (though they still tended to presume female), or so in touch with their own fates. But that was neither here nor there, the point being that none of these other species that they knew of could even remotely be said to resemble the sleeping being in front of her. So where the fuck was she?

Part of her wanted to leave the bird lady to sleep. She partly believed that upon waking the bird lady would see her, and say 'oh sorry dearie there must have been a mixup, you were supposed to appear inside one of the cells, not on the corridor' and then she would be trapped in this awful place, but only part, and not the rational part. That part of her told her something very weird was going on.

She brashly approached the sleeping bird lady. "Hey." she said. "Wake up." She waited for a response, but none was forthcoming. The bird did not even murmur in her sleep. Alice clapped her hands together, stomped her foot, banged a hand down on the table; they did nothing. Resentfully, she made sure her gloves were covering her hands and pushed against the nurse's shoulder. "Get up you lazy good for nothing bird." She said irritably; still no response. Frowning she took a sniff at the sleeping bird, and then took a sudden step back.

Her fate was clear; to sleep forever.


In the library a dark spirit narrated the scene. This wasn't how Sleeping Beauty originally went, with all these strange newcomers in town, but she could work with it.


Alice was running back, past the cells she hadn't even looked into, this time taking more of an interest. Some were empty yes, but some were occupied; their occupants fast asleep under flimsy cotton blankets.

"Hello?! I know you are in here!" A voice rang through the sleeping asylum.

Her pounding heart greeted it with relief, whomever this was she might have more of an idea what was going on. At least Alice hoped she would.

"Come out please!" The voice continued.

She hurried downstairs and quickly located the source of the voice; a creature like a serpent made from dripping water. You know what, she thought, whatever. After glimpsing some of the sleeping patients she wasn't much surprised any more. With no regard for her own safety she marched up to the river spirit and pointed an accusatory finger at it.

"Where am I, what are you, and what the hell is going on?" Alice demanded.


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Re: The Wretched Rite - Sign up today! - by btp - 07-05-2011, 04:40 PM
Re: The Wretched Rite - Sign up today! - by GBCE - 07-05-2011, 09:02 PM
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