The Wretched Rite - Round Three - DSRS Darwin

The Wretched Rite - Round Three - DSRS Darwin
Re: The Wretched Rite - Round One - The Rose Ring
Originally posted on MSPA by A Killer Cuppa Tea.

She kept telling herself she was calm even though it was clear that she was starting to panic. She had struggled to understand exactly what was going on during the introduction, having felt mostly disorientated during the majority of it.

The last thing she remembered was touching a certain red orb, only to have a great explosion of power erupt from it. The next second, she was waking up to some old man with an unformed entity behind him talking about some Grand Battle to the death they were all to participate in.

Where am I? Had been her first thought, followed closely by Is this The Omen?

But as she thought more on what the old man – Barabbas – has explained of the situation, she began to realise that no, it was not The Omen that had bought her here, but instead some Unborn being that was to be defined by the very actions of her and her fellow participants.

As her thoughts turned to the fellow contestants, her mind did indeed begin to calm a little. Some looked as though they would be skilled combatants, but others less so – and hadn’t she been trained for such a battle since almost before she could walk?

She loosened the sheath on her sword – little more than a knife – and began to walk to ease off the nerves. She looked at her surroundings and was pleased to see a pleasant looking town – serene even – on a wonderful sunny day. This improved her spirits greatly, and she began to walk down a random path.

But coupled with this was a slight feeling of unease: it was the middle of the day, and this town certainly did not look abandoned. The houses seemed to be in relatively good repair, and it would certainly take some work to keep them that way. But there did not seem to be any people nearby, or anywhere at all in the town. The air was strangely still and the town eerily quiet.

Suddenly, she heard what sounded like a gunshot come from somewhere within the town. She stood frozen as the echoes of that sound reverberated around her, but was even more unnerved when there did not seem to be any immediate reaction. She decided quite suddenly that she wanted to get as far away from that sound as possible and began walking rather quickly away from the town.

Before long, she had reached the foot of a nearby hill, and the thought crossed her mind that she might be able to see a lot more of the surrounding area from the top of it. As she neared the top, she began to hear a sound unlike anything she had quite heard before. It sounded almost like the victory fanfare that soldiers back home would play, except played on an almost heavenly instrument.

She reached the top of the hill, but could see no one there. A little confused, she circled the tree from which the sound seemed to be coming from but could not find the source. The music was unlike anything she had ever heard before, and it was almost a relief after the deathly silence she had been met with upon landing in this world. She sat underneath the tree with a sigh of content.

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