The Wretched Rite - Round Three - DSRS Darwin

The Wretched Rite - Round Three - DSRS Darwin
Re: The Wretched Rite - Round One - The Rose Ring
Originally posted on MSPA by engineclock.

“-fuckin’ hell is the fuckin’ bloody world comin’ to, fuck, treatin’ a lady like this, I’m a goddamn lady I am, no grace in th’ world at all draggin’ me here and droppin’ me like a fish what’s been in the sun too long.”

Adelaide stopped her tirade long enough to shiver convulsively, wrapping her arms around herself and muttering nastily under her breath. She had found herself without warning standing on the peak of a hill overlooking a queer-looking town, under a bright shining sun that prickled her skin with the threat of dryness. “…lovely Adelaide…” The rusalka spit on the grass in disgust. No one had any business moving her around like a sack of old laundry, no they didn’t, didn’t even get so much as a by-your-leave ‘fore she was standing here clothed in naught but sunshine and the tangles of her own reedy hair. The bloody nerve of some folk.

Angrily she wrapped a thick pile of hair around her hand and wrung it out violently on the grass, noting with irritation that much of the water was running directly downhill, past a rock with dull brownish stains and some odd yellow tape. She saw that the tape was actually covering quite a bit of the hill in the few seconds before she stopped caring about something that wasn’t herself. “Couldn’ta picked a flat plot of land, eh,” she snarled, “too fuckin’ hard for you then, Unborn, hell kinda name is that for a proper decent horror? Didn’t do a lick of harm to no one and this is what they give me for all my sufferin’. All that river-making for naught, eh?” A bony foot stomped on the increasingly soggy ground. “An’ you could do me a bit of a favor if you bloody hurried up, then, I’m not about to be picked off just cause I’m lying about like a fresh-caught mackerel for the gulls!”

Adelaide had not actually heard most of what had been said in the brief introduction they’d been given beyond the whole fight-to-the-death bit, instead preferring to focus more on how angry she was followed briefly by how much prettier she was than the other girls. Bunch of sorry-looking good-for-nothing sluts, the lot of them, she thought. That pink one had even looked fresh from a uptown whorehouse. The rusalka glanced down at the pool that was finally forming from the droplets pattering down from her hair. Her reflection grinned back at her with sharp tiny teeth and she settled down a bit, giving her hair a final shake. Those other she-cats were no better than fish to her, after all, and she’d had plenty of practice catching all kinds of fish with her pretty little hooks. Especially the kind that were sluts.

Far more gracefully than should have been possible, Adelaide dove straight down into the fount of cloudy green water that was now lying unnaturally still at the top of the hill, plunging herself into the familiar silence of her home. She glanced down for a moment, watching the infinite blackness yawning beyond her kicking feet, before scanning what passed for a surface in this place. Other than the pool she’d just made, there weren’t very many other exits. A few dirty-looking puddles, beyond which she could see what looked like alley walls; an odd shimmery spot she couldn’t identify that couldn’t really be moving, no, she was imagining that, she must have been; something that could been a spilled glass of water; a billion other spots of water too small for her to fit through that pierced the gloom with fading spears of light. A few spots of potential, there…

But above all there was a huge one off in the false distance, a big forked thing like a pumping vein against the green of the rusalka’s water. A river, it looked like. That could be useful, yes it could, course if she surfaced there she’d sully the whole thing up green. Adelaide had always been a bit nervous about tainting large areas of water. Seemed messy, somehow. The sort of thing that’d make people sit up and pay attention, even start getting wary and stop coming around to see her. She could always save that for later, couldn’t she? No sense in making a scene before she’d even picked out which blighter she wanted to eat first. Making up her mind, she darted through the water towards one of the alley puddles. If she wasn’t going to be allowed to have peace, then she was damn sure she was going to at least have prey.


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