The Wretched Rite - Round Three - DSRS Darwin

The Wretched Rite - Round Three - DSRS Darwin
Re: The Wretched Rite - Sign up today!
Originally posted on MSPA by Adenreagen.

Username: Adenreagen

Character Name: Crimson H. Hood

Gender: Female

Race: Traumatized Human

Post Color: Crimson for Crimson, Crimson on Black for The Grimm.

Description: Crimson has brown hair, gold eyes and a relatively calm attitude most of the time. Typical of her family, Crimson wears a red, hooded cloak, a blue dress and black shoes. Besides the normal “Riding Hood” appearance, she has two gold bracelets that look more like a set of shackles, which is exactly what they are. As if in spite of everything: her training, her situation, her life in general, she's only a teenager.

Weapons/Abilities: Crimson has a basket, filled with everything she would need for her travels: Food, several extra cloaks in black, green, blue, white and a sandy brown, poisons in liquid and vapor form, bandages, several daggers on her person and her weapon of choice: a blade that is a wolf’s head shaped sword handle attached to a hand saw.

More like a curse than an ability she also has The Grimm. The Grimm, best described as Wolves of Darkness by the viewer, plays on Crimson’s fears and turns every living thing into one of the wolves, but only in her eyes. Given enough time the Grimm will take a physical form that both controls and is controlled by Crimson herself. A two-way puppet if you will: she controls where it is and it controls what it does. At this point The Grimm is the dominant force of the two and only gets stronger the longer it is present. Anytime The Grimm is in physical or hallucinogenic form Crimson is driven by the powerful need to kill it lest she be killed herself, going into a rage from the pure need for self-preservation. However, when she is controlled by it, her need to kill is inhibited by her lack of being able to do so, which poses a problem for her and all around her.

In the presence of a physical Grimm the saw blade turns into a chainsaw. That’s right: A chainsaw. A chainsaw powered by Crimson’s fears. Thankfully, this happens rarely.

Backstory: The original tale of “Little Red Riding Hood” is actually the tale of the first to-be queen of the House of Hood. Toned down into a children’s tale, it was in reality the story of how the assassin Red Riding Hood broke into the Queen’s castle and killed her. She was then imprisoned by the guard (Eaten by the wolf) and saved by the Queen’s suitor who was known by all as The Woodsman. Needless to say, the story was made tamer to teach children their history without the gory details, and the truth was eventually forgotten by all but the House of Hood. The kingdom itself has a very low population, all the men and occasionally some of the women have been known to die sudden, violent deaths, leaving the kingdom one full of adolescent girls and their grandmothers. As such women often go abroad to find husbands and bring them back home, which prevents the kingdom from dying out. But that's local history.

Several hundred years later, the kingdom has an academy which trains orphaned girls to be spies for the kingdom. Each girl is stripped of her name and given a new one based on where they rank in the academy. The first name is a proficiency designated by color, with shades of red being the highest and white the lowest, the middle name is a military designation, Riding for cavalry, Running for footsoldier, etc. and their surname was their non-military area of expertise. Cloaks are information gatherers, Shades pieced such information together and sent it back out as rumors and misinformation, and so on. Hoods, like in the story, are assassins and only a select few are allowed to be Hoods. All girls who make it to Hood rank are considered for succession of the kingdom if there is no direct heir, which has never happened.

Crimson spent years at the academy, training since her mother's body was found disfigured outside the house with a cowering, blood covered Crimson inside. Even in her first years at the academy Crimson was always an advanced student, seeming to have a natural talent for everything they taught her. She advanced from a white cloak, the messenger rank, past brown and green to a blue cloak, the information gathering rank, in two years instead of the normal six required by passing the requirements for each exam accidentally during her white-cloak test. She was meant to get from one end of a woods to another without being stopped by the examiners. Not only did she do so, she went through the woods unseen and incapacitated all the examiners meant to stop her. (brown and green cloak tests, respectively). Her instructors felt that she could handle the responsibilities of a blue cloak, but advanced her straight to red when Crimson began not only gathering information, but writing reports from various sources and sending out misinformation, a black cloak responsibility, and killing high priority targets and their guards. She appeared to be everything the academy wanted from its girls: stealthy, lovely, lethal. The only students who advanced to a red cloak faster were the girls sent from the royal family.

Crimson Hood, aside from truly earning her rank of Red Hood, is her actual name, and she is, unknown to her, a bastard branch of the family that split several generations ago. Not knowing of her true origin, she is unaware that her training is part of her legacy to the throne. The other part is The Grimm. A curse brought on the family by those who would have prospered under the old queen’s reign, The Grimm is embodied in all the women of the family. The only way to stop The Grimm that the family has found is to literally kill their fears. The drawback is that The Grimm is in their minds and so changes how they see the world around them, particularly the people. Those in sight of the royal family when it manifests become wolves as if from nightmares, and those seen have a compulsion to kill the see-er, hence the low population. The House of Hood trains their children to kill, and kill well.

Crimson was about to embark on a journey to find a way to end or escape the curse when she disappeared. Everyone who knew her thought she had become one of the many nameless dead so known and feared in the kingdom.

Question: Crimson would cover her head and say “Why? Why won’t you leave me alone?”

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