Re: The Grand Battle [Starring Eximo Pulvis!]
11-15-2009, 07:47 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Aryogaton.
To his front: a boy, highly aggressive and possessed by a demon. Everywhere else: grass, void, and a whole lot of chaotic confusion. It was a situation Aeon had never quite expected to be in. Nevertheless, he adapted to it the best he could.
The attack was sudden. Nathan had been nearly motionless for several minutes--Aeon suspected that the demon was attempting to catch him off-guard. That time came when Aeon took a brief moment to remove a crystal splinter from his hand. The next instant a near-invisible wave of energy was approaching him at a tremendous speed. Fortunately for him, Aeon's quick reflexes allowed him to create a shield of a familiar-looking metal using his adaptive tool, barely in time. The wave crashed onto the shield, sending Aeon a few inches backwards and a reverberating boom sound into every nook and cranny of the void.
Just the sound enough was loud enough to pop Aeon's eardrums, giving him a persistent ringing sound for the remainder of the fight. But before he could ready himself, another wave hit the shield, and another.
"Your will or your body, something has to break eventually" Nathan said, in an unfamiliar voice.
With each crash of energy Aeon came closer to collapsing under both the stress and the concentration it took to manage the shield. He rummaged through his pocket and found a small, black shard. In between the last attack and the next, Aeon sidestepped out of the way, his shield morphing into a broad sword made of a black metal that seemed to glow black and red simultaneously in various places. Nathan, without a flinch, placed his hand out and created himself a defense.
Either Aeon nor Nathan expected what happened next. The sword hit the barrier directly and seemed to stop. However, it began sinking through the defense, almost absorbing the energy. Nathan reacted quickly and jumped a few feet back, just in time to avoid getting hit.
Aeon steadied himself and looked at the sword, moderately confused. However, his thought was interrupted as he noticed another wave of energy. Not having enough time to remake the shield, Aeon raised the sword and it seemed to absorb the wave easily. At this point Nathan finally had the smallest edge of frustration on his face, and proceeded to attack some more, each being futile.
As Aeon readied himself for another parry, however, the metal began to emit a high-pitched ringing sound, and began to vibrate. Before he could even glance at it, the blade shattered entirely, releasing hundreds of shards, powered by the absorbed energy. Although Aeon managed to avoid most of the shards, he got one stuck directly in his left eye. Nathan was not so lucky--his right arm and chest looked like a pin-cushion, and he made a hasty retreat.
To his front: a boy, highly aggressive and possessed by a demon. Everywhere else: grass, void, and a whole lot of chaotic confusion. It was a situation Aeon had never quite expected to be in. Nevertheless, he adapted to it the best he could.
The attack was sudden. Nathan had been nearly motionless for several minutes--Aeon suspected that the demon was attempting to catch him off-guard. That time came when Aeon took a brief moment to remove a crystal splinter from his hand. The next instant a near-invisible wave of energy was approaching him at a tremendous speed. Fortunately for him, Aeon's quick reflexes allowed him to create a shield of a familiar-looking metal using his adaptive tool, barely in time. The wave crashed onto the shield, sending Aeon a few inches backwards and a reverberating boom sound into every nook and cranny of the void.
Just the sound enough was loud enough to pop Aeon's eardrums, giving him a persistent ringing sound for the remainder of the fight. But before he could ready himself, another wave hit the shield, and another.
"Your will or your body, something has to break eventually" Nathan said, in an unfamiliar voice.
With each crash of energy Aeon came closer to collapsing under both the stress and the concentration it took to manage the shield. He rummaged through his pocket and found a small, black shard. In between the last attack and the next, Aeon sidestepped out of the way, his shield morphing into a broad sword made of a black metal that seemed to glow black and red simultaneously in various places. Nathan, without a flinch, placed his hand out and created himself a defense.
Either Aeon nor Nathan expected what happened next. The sword hit the barrier directly and seemed to stop. However, it began sinking through the defense, almost absorbing the energy. Nathan reacted quickly and jumped a few feet back, just in time to avoid getting hit.
Aeon steadied himself and looked at the sword, moderately confused. However, his thought was interrupted as he noticed another wave of energy. Not having enough time to remake the shield, Aeon raised the sword and it seemed to absorb the wave easily. At this point Nathan finally had the smallest edge of frustration on his face, and proceeded to attack some more, each being futile.
As Aeon readied himself for another parry, however, the metal began to emit a high-pitched ringing sound, and began to vibrate. Before he could even glance at it, the blade shattered entirely, releasing hundreds of shards, powered by the absorbed energy. Although Aeon managed to avoid most of the shards, he got one stuck directly in his left eye. Nathan was not so lucky--his right arm and chest looked like a pin-cushion, and he made a hasty retreat.