Re: The Grand Battle [Game on!]
07-12-2009, 06:11 PM
Originally posted on MSPA by Draykon.
Dokuromets drifted on arrogantly, when he suddenly felt a strange chill. He turned to see what appeared to be several large black icicles floating around him.
"I wish you wouldn't pick on the poor thing like that."
The phantom turned to see Amethyst, her right arm up, several intricate magical symbols floating around her bracelet.
"What's this now? Come for my autograph little girl?"
"Shut up."
The black icicles all at once flew directly towards Dokuromets. They collided, sticking together in a kind of giant snowflake, the center being right on the Knight's stomache. Dokuromets floated intangibly, simply looking confused.
"Whaa? You're actually wanting to FIGHT me?"
Amethysts' black eyes narrowed, a look more of frustration than of anger.
"If we're to go through with this tournament as its designers intended, the best strategy is to eliminate the most skilled fighters early on. If you're so arrogant as it waltz right in like that, you should be a prime target"
The icicles all separated, each moving to its designated place in the room, forming a kind of grid structure, each icicle uniformly distant from its neighbors.
"Influence nodes established, set up direct electromagnetic level control."
More intricate patterns and symbols were emitted from the bracelet.
"Thunder Network, GO!"
In a cyan flash, the room was filled with lightning. Bolts shot from icicle to icicle, forming a complicated geometric pattern, one by one, the bolts launched themselves towards Dokuromets.
Dokuromets drifted on arrogantly, when he suddenly felt a strange chill. He turned to see what appeared to be several large black icicles floating around him.
"I wish you wouldn't pick on the poor thing like that."
The phantom turned to see Amethyst, her right arm up, several intricate magical symbols floating around her bracelet.
"What's this now? Come for my autograph little girl?"
"Shut up."
The black icicles all at once flew directly towards Dokuromets. They collided, sticking together in a kind of giant snowflake, the center being right on the Knight's stomache. Dokuromets floated intangibly, simply looking confused.
"Whaa? You're actually wanting to FIGHT me?"
Amethysts' black eyes narrowed, a look more of frustration than of anger.
"If we're to go through with this tournament as its designers intended, the best strategy is to eliminate the most skilled fighters early on. If you're so arrogant as it waltz right in like that, you should be a prime target"
The icicles all separated, each moving to its designated place in the room, forming a kind of grid structure, each icicle uniformly distant from its neighbors.
"Influence nodes established, set up direct electromagnetic level control."
More intricate patterns and symbols were emitted from the bracelet.
"Thunder Network, GO!"
In a cyan flash, the room was filled with lightning. Bolts shot from icicle to icicle, forming a complicated geometric pattern, one by one, the bolts launched themselves towards Dokuromets.