Mini-Grand 5103 [Rou://]

Mini-Grand 5103 [Rou://]
Re: Mini-Grand 5103 [Rou'); /home/gbce/.Trash]
Originally posted on MSPA by Anomaly.

Urist_McBeardsword.gbc corrupted successfully. Simulation infiltrated, beginning to corrupt GBCE. Scanning for GBC files...

Urist McBeardsword's head bent back at a 90-degree angle as his jaw shifted through the roof of his mouth. His limbs flailed haphazardly, sometimes detaching themselves entirely, as he "walked" forward. The environment around Urist, a sort of nuclear submarine combined with a dollhouse, was already corrupted before Damocles even arrived. However, the area immediately next to Urist became worse and worse as time passed, random symbols and images rapidly cycling around with no pattern.

Three other GBC files confirmed in location. Selvsetter.gbc, GBCE.gbc, Melissa.gbc all located at z-coordinate 56.38947.

Urist's eyes shifted back into his head as his left arm blinked out of existence and his spine immediately snapped 90 degrees to the right. He continued forward, part of his body inside of the floor, flailing around with no real pattern. Whatever intelligence the Urist McBeardsword program had once possessed was long gone.

Anti-virus program detected. PARSLEY.exe deployed at z-coordinate 56.38947. Highest threat; must eliminate. All programs directly above infected file. Corrupt environment; easiest method.

Urist McBeardsword decided to ignore gravity entirely and slammed repeatedly against the ceiling. The four contestants above heard a loud thumping from below, with no identifiable source. After a few moments of, the air in the room was instantly replaced by a viscous green slime.


Messages In This Thread
Re: Mini-Grand 5103 [Rou'); /home/gbce/.Trash] - by Anomaly - 06-25-2011, 03:18 AM